The Governor Who Hides & The “Nasty Nine” (In Case You Missed It)


Montana’s past House Representative, Kerry White had the following to say about Governor Gianforte and his lack of involvement concerning the “Nasty Nine” who serve in the Montana Senate (and we use the term ‘serve’ lightly). They should be serving time.

The crux of the matter is this: When Gianforte is up against a wall and if there is anything that makes him feel the least bit uncomfortable, he fleas. Don’t forget the time that the persecuted Missionaries who were assaulted as they traveled through Madison County a couple years back asked Gianforte to help them while they attended a church service where the Governor was present, and he quickly slid away.

And then there was the time about four years ago on Pro-Life Sunday at the Helena Capitol where several pro-life legislators gathered in protest against abortion on the front steps of the Capitol and where the Governor (who claims he is pro-life) was absent from the group. But what was really disturbing was when a handful of pro-life state leaders wanted to visit with him that same day they went to his office, but he couldn’t be bothered to come out.

Folks Governor Gianforte isn’t our fearless leader it’s just the opposite he is full of fear. He doesn’t lead well. Why then did he want to run for the position of governor in the first place?

Past Rep. Kerry White, MT House shared the following information several days ago on social media.

“The Governor was just on Montana Talks with Aaron Flint this morning and was asked directly about the “nasty nine” republican Senators in the Montana legislature who are disrupting the process and voting with the democrats.

The Governor’s statement was very telling. He stated he was “not going to get involved in the legislative politics”.

REALLY? The Governor is the leader of the Republican Party. He is the top office holder in Montana and represents the Republican Party. At least that is what I thought. But he has refused to lead when it comes to our party in the legislature.

I have been told he has never visited the third-floor Republican leadership during the session except to make a speech on the floor in his State of the State Address. Why is he absent from his leadership role? Why has he not met with the “Nasty Nine” to express his disappointment? We thought we had a Republican Majority after the election but in fact our majority in the Montana Senate is 23 Republicans out of 50.

When I served in the Montana House from 2013 to 2021, I was approached many times by the then Democrat Governor Bullock asking for me to trade my vote in order to get one of my bills signed into law. I refused to compromise my principles simply to avoid a veto on a bill.

But there are legislators that trade their votes and make backroom deals all the time. There is a saying in legislature that is so true.

“It is cheaper to ‘buy’ left than to stay right.” The “Nasty Nine” are selling their votes to the left and our Governor, a Republican, is not interested in getting involved. His excuse on ‘Montana Talks’ this morning was so disappointing!

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