Whitefish MT Cancels Firework Show While Lakeside’s Was Spectacular


The Whitefish “Non Fireworks Show” was a complete and utter disaster while Lakeside’s was the most spectacular event ever.

Whitefish saw huge waves, a barge with so much water (from the waves) that the fireworks were ruined and more even more bedlam transpired.

Locals and visitors in Whitefish both waited an extra 45 minutes beyond when the “show” was scheduled to begin only to be told via “Chamber of Commerce FB Page” that the show was cancelled.

Evidently there were local law enforcement who did announce the mishap over a loud speaker but most people didn’t hear it and were unaware.

Say what you will, but all the money in Whitefish couldn’t save those thrashed, wet, fireworks or stop the lightning.

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Meanwhile in Lakeside, MT the fireworks show was the “best ever” according to those present. It seemed it did rain a bit, then let up and the show was nothing short of glorious.

Lakeside is a far different town/community than Whitefish. It is unincorporated, (doesn’t have a City Council like Whitefish there’s no City Council like Whitefish); it’s a laid back mellow place and they didn’t sign Agenda 21 documents like they did in Whitefish and therefore don’t really care about driving electric cars.

Simply put? Lakeside, you rock. Congratulations on a spectacular show. Well done.

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