Persecuted Missionary States Atty General Knudsen Skirting MT Campaign Law Receives “Poetic Justice”


Persecuted Missionary Jesse Boyd is utterly disgusted by Attorney General Austin Knudsen’s latest move; one which violates campaign ethics. The Daily Interlake recently published an article written by DARRELL EHRLICK Daily Montanan which shared Knudsen’s words, Attorney General Austin Knudsen told a crowd that he had “put a friend and fellow Republican up to running against him in his bid for re-election in order to raise more money and because he believes state law is “ridiculous.” 

In other words, it doesn’t seem to matter to Knudsen whether it is lawful or ethical because he thinks the law is “ridiculous’ so that’s that.

The Daily Interlake that published Ehrlick’s article shared the following,

“As of Tuesday afternoon, no one had lodged a complaint against Knudsen with the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, the top campaign enforcement officer with the state. And Commissioner of Political Practices Chris Gallus is prohibited from speaking about specifics of a pending case.

But the office confirmed on Tuesday that it could be a violation of Montana law for one person to recruit another to run for office for the purpose of raising more campaign funding. Montana law also prohibits trying to stop candidates from running for office, or encouraging them to run for office for a personal gain.”

Missionary Jesse Boyd (who was persecuted via Attorney General Knudsen’s office) had this to say.

“This guy really is a political dirtbag. It’s great someone recorded him flapping his jaws and bragging about skirting Montana campaign law at a “conservative cookout” and then handed it over to a newspaper. It’s great and it’s poetic justice on a man whose office has used the law as a weapon to protect dirty cops, cover up for domestic terrorists, and persecute Christian missionaries. May his entire campaign come crashing down. This is a classic example of a Christless “Conservative” who boasts “rules for thee but not for me.”

“The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands” (Psqlm 9:15-16).

You can read the full article reprinted by The Daily Interlake by clicking here. By DARRELL EHRLICK Daily Montanan

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