NW Cherry Crops Fail (Pears Are Suffering Too) Will the Huckleberries Survive?


The news is sad as it appears many growers in Northwest Montana have lost their cherry crops due to the horrendous cold snaps we endured in January and February. Furthermore, local cherry orchards have not endured such a terrible freeze since the late 80s and early 90s. The real culprit happens when there is a warming trend then a hard freeze or two and as one cherry grower stated, “The buds are starting to swell” and then boom they freeze literally to death once a deep-freeze sets in.

Dismally no cherries mean less business as a whole around the eastern portion of Flathead Lake. The cherry season brings in tourists, workers, and purchases of machinery and so forth used to help grow and harvest cherries.

Hopefully a few orchards survived but it seems chances are slim.

Sadly pears are suffering this year too as trees have been reported to have produced healthy leaves but no blossoms. We are hoping the apples will be ‘fruitful’ this summer/fall.

Additionally, will the huckleberries survive? Only time will tell.

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