Many Montana residents are absolutely appalled with horrible House Bill 27. Please read carefully the following information below and call in and very firmly ask the legislators to vote NO on this deplorable House Bill.
The gist of House Bill 27 is this,
“This Bill has been amended 6 times. If you own (640 acres) you will be taxed at the taxable value of idle land described in subsection (1)(c) which is computed by multiplying the value of the land by seven times the taxable percentage rate for agricultural land.”
Another resident shared,
“If your property is sitting on Agricultural Designated Land, and is less than 640 acres, than you are screwed. Not only that but if it has a well, they will put a meter on your well and charge you for your own water (water rights be damned).
Call the Legislative switchboard and leave a message for the entire House Floor. And that means every member. (A recording says you can only message 5 of them but that isn’t true).
The subject line should say House Bill 27 is a BIG NO! No land and water grab today Legislators!”
“Even though it didn’t make transmittal deadline, it is alive and will be heard on the house floor, not today (3.17.2025) but possibly this week. Again, please message the entire house floor, to vote NO on HB27. Leave our food producers alone!” (To read the Bill in its entirety click here.)
Call 406.444.4800