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Montana Fruit Won’t Fare Well (It’s Toast)

Montanans thought last year was a bad fruit year...

Flathead County (Removes, Arrests, Deports) Illegals-Thompson Falls, Bozeman Follows Suit

Folks it's really starting to happen in Montana. Illegal...

2/5/25- 50 States, 50 Capitols, 50 MARCHES (The Blues Are Coming…)

The liberal blue is coming and obviously they aren't...

Helena Capitol: Wednesday! CTA Choose Life! Contact HJ Committee Personhood Bill HB 316

If you want to help promote LIFE then please...

Illegal Aliens (Deported) Apprehended Near Columbia Falls-Citizens Call Out Ruis/Valley Neighbors

Whistleblower 'Dissidentsoap' (on Gab) has cut loose with the...

SOLD OUT! Daines Took Highest Donation from “Big Pharma” $134,000 in 2020

This article has been recently updated so readers can learn more about Senator Daines. The following commentary was submitted to Montana 1st News by a...

“Never Open the Door to a Lesser Evil”

The following article was written by Montana's own Darin Gaub. Lt. Col. (ret) Darin Gaub is a Geopolitical Strategist, U.S. Army Veteran, Blackhawk Helicopter pilot and Battalion Commander, and...

City of Kalispell: Tardy Revealing Facts to Residents Surrounding Poisonous/Toxic Water (Possible Solutions)

Something's askew and it just doesn't add up. The news is hopping lately concerning the poisonous/highly toxic water in portions of Kalispell's city water system...

Tester and Daines Teamed UP-“We’ve Not Forgotten and We’re Not Happy” (video footage within)

In the not too distant past John Tester and Steve Daines 'teamed up' to deliver a Public Service Announcement. Click here to view Tester...

Op-Ed “Samaria” (West Bank) Safer Than Madison County, MT (How About that DOJ?)

Jesse Boyd has traveled the world and is convinced (although he has traveled to some of the most dangerous places on earth) that Madison...

City of Bozeman-City Hall: “Mental Disorders Flag” Flies High Over Taxpayer Funded Facilities

"Ask Bozeman"(free speech edition) shared the following and shared proof concerning the "Mental Disorders" flag. It leaves one to ask why flags addressing any...