HD22 Lola Sheldon-Galloway: “Cascade County Needs an Audit on its Bookkeeping” (Vote Sandra Merchant)

The following Opinion-Editorial was submitted to Montana1stNews by House Representative Lola Sheldon- Galloway HD22. "It's about time Cascade County has an audit on its bookkeeping." Galloway...

Opinion-Editorials: Sandra Merchant- “Respectful, Professional, Qualified, Transparent”

The following Opinion-Editorials were submitted by various citizens of Cascade County. When you read each of these letters you will see a thread running...

BREAKING NEWS: (Update) Rina Fontana-Moore Concedes to Sandra Merchant Newly Elected County Clerk and...

Rina Fontana Moore who was the County Clerk and Recorder in Cascade County for 16 years just lost the election and conceded to Sandra...