VIOLENCE AT HELENA CAPITOL: Zooey Zephyr Premeditates Capitol Outburst with “Signals” Prompting Protesters (VIDEO...
A premeditated "Protest" at the Capitol in Helena today occurred as Zooey Zephyr and Alice Buckley 'tipped off' -"Zephyr fans" in the House Gallery...
Walgreens, a Semi-Automatic, Mace and a C-Section
It's a big wild world out there folks. (And no this event didn't take place in Montana). Read the article below to see...
End the Income Tax. End Property Tax. End the IRS.
Details within hurry and show up NOW!
Breaking! Helena MT: ‘Persecuted Missionary Billboard’ Makes it to the Capitol!
It was a beautiful day today in Helena at the Capitol! And what made it even more spectacular was the 'appearance' of the 'Persecuted...
ENOUGH!: Montana AG and Assistant AG-Refuse Equal Treatment- Persecuted Missionaries (‘Motion to Dismiss’ Within)
What you are about to read is perhaps the most discriminatory and skewed case by the State of Montana (meaning the Attorney General's Office)...
MT Attorney General: “Austin Knudsen is Becoming the Police State the Founders Warned Us...
The following information was recently submitted to Montana 1st News by Missionary advocate John Lamb.
"Austin Knudsen just recently shared on 'Montana Talk Radio' that...
Doggies Get Bathed in Yellowstone Thermal Hot Pools (Not a Great Idea) Video within
"Two people visiting Yellowstone National Park have been caught on camera washing their dogs in a thermal pool. Luckily the water doesn't seem to...
Hockey Coach Charged with Rape Pleads “Not Guilty” in Flathead County District Court
Below is the current update concerning Jami Leslie James the former youth hockey coach facing rape charges concerning multiple children. He is in Flathead...
Provide Funding For School Police Instead of Ukraine and Foreign Nations
Paul Johns, Sports Reporter, for the 'The Anaconda Leader' wrote a thought-provoking article and submitted it to Montana 1st News to be published....
Idaho and 4 Other States Bring Back Execution By Firing Squad-Will Montana Be Next?
Currently, 5 states will be bringing back "the firing squad" for those on "Death Row" under death penalties in certain states where the death...