Provide Funding For School Police Instead of Ukraine and Foreign Nations

Paul Johns, Sports Reporter, for the 'The Anaconda Leader' wrote a thought-provoking article and submitted it to Montana 1st News to be published....

Idaho and 4 Other States Bring Back Execution By Firing Squad-Will Montana Be Next?

Currently, 5 states will be bringing back "the firing squad" for those on "Death Row" under death penalties in certain states where the death...

BREAKING! Madison County Sheriffs Violate Their Own ‘Policy Manual’ Concerning Persecuted Missionaries

It's hard to deny the truth especially when it is smack dab in your face. Below are portions of the 'Madison County Sheriff's Office...

Kalispell: The Warming Center “Guests” Defecate (Poop) Behind Copper Mtn Coffee and More

Enough is enough. Three times in one week homeless folks who spend nights at Kalispell's "Warming Center" have defecated (pooped) behind the shed in...

Columbia Falls Schools Ignore Seriousness of Email Threats While Bozeman Jumps to Action-

A slew of threatening e-mails went to various Montana schools but the way in which such schools reacted was vastly different compared to others. Bozeman...

MT: Peaceful Missionaries Encounter the Wrath of Rogue Authorities (videos within)

We will write about it and we will continue to write about it until justice is served. "No pleas, No deals, to the bitter...

BREAKING: John Lamb D.C. Update-Jan 6 Political Prisoners (video within)

John Lamb is in Washington DC, and brings us the January 6th political prisoner trial and political prisoner update from around the country. There...

Inmate Escapes Deer Lodge: Be on the Lookout (video within)

An inmate (named Brian John Jones) escaped Deer Lodge when he stole a vehicle while working on the prison ranch. You can listen and...

Alec Baldwin to Resume “Rust” Filming at Yellowstone Film Ranch- ( involuntary manslaughter charges)

Alec Baldwin's charges of manslaughter have been dropped and he will resume filming of the movie "Rust" where the film's shooting location will be...

Florida: 100th Executed Inmate Criticizes DeSantis-“He’s Done a Lot Worse”

Florida's 100th inmate has been executed and he criticized Governor DeSantis saying, "He's done a lot worse." "For the first time in nearly four...