Protest Murder! (NO! to CI-128) Come Friday Night Outside the Old Kalispell Courthouse on...
We're at it again, folks, and we won't give up.
Join us tomorrow night (Friday) from 5:15 to 7:15 as we protest the enemy's most...
Flathead Pro-Life “Life Rally” vs Whitefish “Reproductive Rights Death March” (Video Footage Within)
Oh what a day it was.
The glory of the Lord shone brightly on Main Street in Kalispell (Sunday) as Pro-Life warriors stood strong...
BREAKING! State of Montana Drops “Criminal Charges” Against 3 Persecuted Missionaries (Madison County...
On September 19th, Judge Luke Berger of Madison County in Montana dropped the "Criminal Charges" against Bethany Phillips (previously Bethany Boyd), Carter Phillips, and...
Jordan Hall Convicted Felon (Former Pastor/Montana Daily Gazette Publisher/Owner)
On Wednesday afternoon in Richland County District Court in Sidney, Montana, former pastor and publisher/owner of Montana Daily Gazette (Jordan Hall present via Zoom)...
Lincoln County Neighbors Work Together to Push Back, Find Solutions, and Stand Strong
The following information concerning residents of Lincoln County and how they aim to work together to solve problems (the type of problems that affect...
Montana PSC Stands Against the Passing of FERC Order 1920 “Montanans Could Freeze to...
What you are about to read below (and watch via YouTube if you choose) is extremely important. Your Montana Public Service Commissioners are working...
Montana ‘Department of Natural Resources and Conservation’ Wants Bill To ‘Meter’ Exempt Well Water
That's right folks. Yes you read that correctly. According to a Bozeman (whistleblower) citizen the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation' plans on slapping...
Helena Capitol: LGBTQ Flag Update (Gianforte Abdicates, Shoves Calls to “Building Management”)
Well he's at it again (meaning Gianforte's hiding in the background, passing the buck, and avoiding conflict). Haven't we had enough of this nonsense?
Governor Gianforte, The LGBTQ Flag (Hung in the Capitol)-Property Taxes and Peanut Butter (What...
We believe that last year about this time the LGBTQ flag flew high in the Capitol in Helena and Gianforte was to blame (as...
Spare Us the Bull*&^$!-Persecuted Missionaries Looking For (“Righteous Attorney”)
The following article was submitted by persecuted Missionary Jesse Boyd to Montana 1st News in order to expose the corruption imposed upon him, his...