10 Wise and Unique Reasons You Should Consider Donating to Montana1stNews


Oftentimes asking for money is not enjoyable, but many times it’s needed. The why behind the asking is what can genuinely make all the difference for the donor (or potential donor) to help them understand the details and intricacies involved in providing such an arduous undertaking as a Constitutionally and conservatively based news source.

As you read, ponder and learn from the ’10 Reasons’ (below) why to consider donating to M1N (Montana1stNews), really ask yourself, “Is this helpful in my everyday life? Would this benefit me, my family, my neighbors, my state, and even my country?”

And if the answer to those questions fulfills those needs, then please consider donating as generously as possible and ask others to do so as well.

Consider the questions above and the statements below.
  1. This is a Constitutionally based conservative news source for the entire state of Montana. So everything we write is filtered through those two lenses. We, of course, provide our news from a Christian World View as well, and we aim to cover the entire state as much as possible.

2. The news presented within our source is primarily from Montana. You will occasionally witness World-Based news, but most of what we do is based on up-to-date information from our state.

3. The news you read on Montana1stNews is (for the most part) unique and original news. By this, we mean we try very hard not to repost what you’re reading from other Montana news sources (or anywhere, for that matter) online or in print. Unfortunately, that is rarely done as most sources often tend to repeat one another.

4. Because we are trying to work up and present you with “new news,” it is incredibly time-consuming. Of course, anyone can repost what others have written; however, formulating original news and content is tricky, and takes skill, thought, ingenuity, and many hours.

5. Research: Researching through volumes of material to validate a news story/article is tedious. It is work; it takes skill and great effort.

6. We are branching out. We want to meet the needs of many people. Therefore we are branching out onto multiple platforms. You can now find us on Truth Social, Twitter, Gab, Facebook, and soon-to-be Telegram, Signal, and other arenas. (Stay tuned as we will soon provide an article on where to find us on these different groups).

7. Call to Action: A news source rarely provides a ‘Call to Action.’ Montana1stNews is more than a typical news source; it’s also a ground for ‘Peaceful Protests’ under the First Amendment. A ‘Call to Action’ can mean multiple things. A ‘Call to Action’ can alarm folks to stand for freedom, pray for others, help rescue others, and help to keep our state free. For example, recently, a CTA was put out concerning abortion measures that never went through. And all of you were a part of that most essential and critical CTA! Often time is of the essence, and you will be connected to participate!

8. No Pop-Up Ads, No forcing you to “Give to Read,” etc. Let’s face it “Pop-Up Ads are so obnoxious and annoying. We don’t want to do that to you. Nothing is more frustrating than navigating through a ‘sea of annoying ads’ to get to read the news you are so hungry to digest. Also, forcing you to “Give to Read” just isn’t our style either. You’ve all seen those articles where you are allowed to read two paragraphs before boom; they thwart you and make you “pay to read the rest.”

9. Just like you, we desire with every fiber of our being to help keep Montana “Free.” That takes a tremendous amount of effort on all of our parts. We do all we can to keep you up on important and timely matters concerning legislative candidates, bills, and happenings. It is not easy, but we must continue to that end.

10. There are two of us who work to provide you with outstanding news here at Montana1stNews. But that’s not really all there is. There is us and ALL of you. We need YOU. We need you to pour important information into us. We need your original input. We need your opinion editorials, and trust us, they are essential; no, they don’t need to be just 200 words (which is where most other sources cap them at).

We want as much as possible to write, edit and publish the ‘news’ for you daily. Please help us to do that by contributing TODAY to Montana1stNews.

We’ve made it super easy to give.

AT THE END OF EVERY ARTICLE, you will view the ‘Donor Box.’ It is so simple, and you can contribute weekly, monthly, yearly, or once. There are great choices. If you’d rather send a check, please do so at the address provided below the Donor Box.’

That’s all there is to it.

Thank you, and may God richly bless you and yours.

Warmly (for freedom),


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If you should care via check simply write it to Montana1stNews LLC and mail it to:
Montana1stNews LLC
P.O. Box 3253
Kalispell, MT 59903


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