The following information has been submitted to Montana 1st News.
Political Prisoner / Missionary Update (Via John Lamb)
“It’s been a long day! I left my house around 7:30 this morning to go to court in Virginia City, Montana. The court started promptly at 9 AM. The only defendant in the courtroom was Pastor and Missionary Eric Trent. He sat shackled, wearing orange prison clothes.
The judge opened up right away with Eric’s case, read him his rights, and the charges against him:
Montana code 45 – 5 – 2 0 2 Aggravated assault carrying a 20 years maximum in prison sentence, and $50,000 maximum fine.
The Judge asked Eric if he understood his rights and the charges. Eric said he did. The Judge then asked how Eric plead?
“Not guilty your honor.”

Eric informed the Judge he did want competent counsel and he asked to be let out on his own recognizance. The Judge denied Eric’s request to be released on his own recognizance and set bail at $50,000, ordering that if he made bond he must wear a GPS ankle monitor. No contact with the alleged victim, no contact with any of the other defendants, must sign a waiver of extradition, must report weekly to attorneys, and no access to weapons.
Next court hearing is scheduled for December 13th at 1 pm at the Madison County Courthouse in Virginia City, Montana.
The hearing was over just about as quick as it began. Judge told the bailiff to take Eric back to jail.
I remained in the court for the remaining 3 missionaries who were being held miles away in the Bozeman detention center. Their court hearings would happen one at a time over a video monitor with poor connections. I was unable to see the monitor from the audience where I was sitting, but I could hear most of what was being said.
Everything was being repeated from Eric’s hearing. Charges were aggravated assault, a felony, 20 years maximum prison sentence and $50,000 fine, with a $50,000 bond.
As soon as court was over I left right away to travel a little over 100 miles to the jail where Eric is being held in Boulder, Montana. I got to visit Eric for about 30 minutes and we talked and prayed.
We are working to get them bonded out tonight or tomorrow. Working on finding attorneys that can fight for their innocence. More updates will be posted as we get them.
Here again, is the link to Jesse Boyd’s ministry and if anyone can, please help them out financially. Click on the link below. They need $20,000 in cash, $5,000 each to bail all 4 of them out. Attorney fees, impoundment fees for their vehicle, and airplane tickets to get home and back to court again on December 13th at 1 PM.
Link to donate
Check back at Montana 1st News for current updates as the story develops.