The following article was written by Leslie D Soule and published by Roy McKenzie from Western Montana News.
“Reports have come in from a whistleblower regarding election malfeasance in Carbon County, Montana. The whistleblower details challenges to voter eligibility that went ignored, poll watchers that were intimidated and sequestered in tabulation areas, ballots that arrived at 8pm but were not moved to the tabulation room until after midnight, and flashing lights indicating connectivity on tabulation machines that were idle.
Carbon County, located in south-central Montana, includes the cities of Bridger, Fromberg, Joliet, Roberts and Belfry with the county seat in Red Lodge.
Carbon County has documented issues with voter registrations and problem votes from the 2020 election. I previously attended an election integrity rally at the state capitol in Helena. At the rally, I was given a copy of the Montana Election Integrity Project’s 2020 Canvass Report, with initial findings on ballot discrepancies in several Montana counties.
Here are the figures from that report, for Carbon County.

The whistleblower stated that for the 2022 General Election, there were 284 challenges to electors/voters in Carbon County, all delivered between one week to 3 days before the election and yet no investigation was conducted by the Election Administrator into any of these challenges.
I sent a follow-up inquiry to the Elections office of Carbon County regarding challenges of ballots and have not received a response.
The Elections Administrator in Carbon County is a woman named Crystal Roascio. What we know about Roascio comes to us from an article in the Helena Independent Record, dated May of this year:
“Carbon county’s election administrator, Crystal Roascio, wrote in an email Wednesday that she has been in contact with local law enforcement following allegations by right-wing activists that the machines the county uses to process ballots are compromised.” The article stated that she took this action not out of concern for the voting process, but out of fear of the supposed threats of these activists.
Given Roascio’s over-the-top response to concerned citizens who found broken warranty seals on the county’s ES&S manufactured DS200 ballot tabulators, it seems safe to say that Roascio clearly has a problem with citizens asking questions about their election process.”
To read the rest of the story click here.