Forrest Mandeville wants Rank Choice Voting. Call him and tell him to withdraw LC 1322!
The last thing we need in Montana is this form of voting. Everyone make the call and nip this nonsense in the bud. (See details below)

What exactly is Rank Choice Voting? Ballotpedia describes it as the following.
A ranked-choice voting system (RCV) is an electoral system in which voters rank candidates by preference on their ballots. If a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, he or she is declared the winner. If no candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated. First-preference votes cast for the failed candidate are eliminated, lifting the next-preference choices indicated on those ballots. A new tally is conducted to determine whether any candidate has won a majority of the adjusted votes. The process is repeated until a candidate wins an outright majority.
(The following was submitted by Retired Lt. Colonel Darin Gaub founder of Restore Liberty).