Sanders County: Dr. Douglas Frank To Speak in Thompson Falls January 3rd RE: LR-131


Dr. Frank will be coming to Thompson Falls to talk on Election Integrity. He has graciously accepted the invitation and will be there January 3rd to meet with county officials during the day and then to speak to the public that evening. The public meeting is scheduled for:

January 3rd at 6PM, at the Open Door Baptist, 2912 Trade Winds Way, (across from the bulk tanks on the east end of town)Thompson Falls.

Dr. Douglas G. Frank is a world-renowned physicist with sixty peer-reviewed scientific publications, including cover and feature articles in the world’s leading scientific journals. His Ph.D. is in surface-electroanalytical chemistry, which combines chemistry and physics techniques for the manipulation and analysis of molecules on surfaces. He left academics in 1996, and has since done extensive consulting, inventing, and technical manufacturing, building electron microscopes, laser scanners, and precision manufacturing and control devices. He is internationally known for his contributions to the bowling ball industry and helped to establish a special school for extraordinarily gifted youngsters near Cincinnati, Ohio, where he currently serves as the Math & Science department chair. Recently, Dr. Frank was featured in two of Mike Lindell’s documentaries (“Scientific Proof” and “Absolute Interference”) because he discovered several of the algorithms being employed to manipulate our elections.

Dr. Frank has been working with dozens of teams across the country for election reform.

Dr. Frank will analyze and compare the MT SOS Voter file; to the Sanders County Elections Office List of registered voters who voted on November 8th in the most recent general election. By using his algorithms he can detect issues there may be and show whether there are any concerns needing to be addressed.

If Sanders County elections are 100% correct; there shouldn’t be anything to hide; or that might appear to be suspect. For example:

Sanders County (shown below) had the same percentages on two different ballot items 63% to 37% on both. That might be unlikely; but shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. There was a 40 vote difference between both ballot items. That might not appear to be significant; unless it happened on the same two ballot items…in every Montana county… with a .998% correlation.

If anyone can get to the bottom of this it will be Dr. Frank. Be sure to invite all your friends out for this special evening.

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