Why did Governor Gianforte ask (of all the House Reps) Courtenay Sprunger to introduce his “Adoption Tax Credit Bill?”
In other words, what are the facts? In this instance, we are referring to Courtenay Sprunger (newly voted House Representative District 7 (who is in fact MY representative so I pay very close attention to this young woman).
To begin with, why would Governor Gianforte choose someone to introduce his “Adoption Tax Credit Bill” who voted poorly on House Resolution 1? Why is the Governor rewarding the “Solutions Caucus” for bad behavior?
The answer is we simply do not know.
Is it that he just simply is not paying attention or just does not care? Those who voted in Gianforte for Governor of Montana thought they were voting for a conservative Republican but perhaps that’s not the case.
The taking down of the Republican Rules and Super Majority by ‘bad voting’ especially among those who claim to be conservative “Republicans” such as Sprunger does is a stain on our legislature and legislative system. Please see the articles entitled, Helena: Rinos Vote with Democrats to Pass HR1 (Undermine Legislative Process/Montana Citizens) click here to read.
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Reasons NOT to allow Sprunger to introduce bills.
- Poor voting on House Resolution 1 (meaning voting against the true conservative Republicans and voting with the far left Democrats) to come against the Republican Rules and Super Majority. You can read more about HR1 by clicking here.
- Sprunger mislead the public when her ‘mailers’ went out (I got 3 in a row) which stated that she could receive $800 in the Primary (and yes this was BEFORE June 7th that we received such mailers). When her constituent called her to question the matter she rattled off “Oh that’s because $400 is for the Primary race and the other $400 is for the General race. Sprunger was taking in funding to set aside for the ‘General’ race even before the Primary race had been voted on! Not only is this highly presumptuous it’s not allowed. This was her personal campaign where her brother was the Treasurer.
- Sprunger is or was a member of the ‘Flathead First’ PAC. This PAC called themselves “Conservatives” but nothing could be further from the truth. ‘Flathead First’ endorsed by Marc Racicot is enamored with “The Great Middle” which is certainly a far ways from the far right conservative (or any kind of conservative for that matter). You can study this ‘PAC’ by clicking here.

Please do not hesitate to contact Governor Gianforte to educate him on such matters.