Missoula: Republican Chairwoman Goes Ballistic-Calls Police on Long Time Member


Missoula is really getting wild as now the MCRCCC is calling the police on members! Read an excerpt below from the story originally published by Roy McKenzie of Western Montana News.

Missoula County Republican Central Committee Chair, Vondene Kopetski, called the police on yet another Republican during Tuesday night’s monthly Central Committee meeting. In 2021, Kopetski called the police on another individual at a committee meeting, a new member, claiming to police that the person had committed elder abuse because of a difference of opinion.

Kopetski’s recent target was a person who was a long-time Party member and current Central Committee member. This person, and other members, were asking for the minutes from a past meeting. The meeting that members wanted minutes for was one where bylaws were allegedly approved that amended how endorsements were to be made and party resources expended.

According to the person, in the past, the Central Committee members would vote on who the party would endorse and how much party resources to provide each candidate. Kopetski told the committee member that the bylaws had been changed so only the “Executive Committee” or a portion of it would vet the candidates. She explained that any change to expand what she called the “vetting committee” would require a change to the bylaws.

You can read the rest of the story here. Roy McKenzie (Western Montana News)

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