It’s hard to deny the truth especially when it is smack dab in your face.
Below are portions of the ‘Madison County Sheriff’s Office policy manual. This is an attempt to prove that several Deputy Sheriffs (including Dan Wyatt and Alec Winn) violated their own policy in conjunction with the arrest and leading up to that point with the persecuted missionaries who were traveling through Madison County on November 12, 2022.

Under 320.4 General Standards (see above) an officer is to ‘conduct themselves’ in accordance with the U.S. and Montana Constitutions and applicable laws.’ Sheriff Dan Wyatt doesn’t even know the law under the MSC. He told Carter Phillips that a person couldn’t point a gun at someone (referring to Jesse Boyd who pointed a gun toward Brad Terrell in self-defense) which according to Montana State Law is untrue. (Read below Wyatt’s comments are in black). Click here to hear the discussion between Sheriff Wyatt and Carter Phillips starting at 25 seconds where Wyatt discounts Montana State Law. In white, it clearly explains that one can exhibit self-defense and “use of force including deadly force, against the aggressor, including drawing or presenting a weapon.”

Look above at letter (b)– Josiah Boyd was held at gunpoint. This was absolutely ‘unwarranted and unreasonable force’ in so that the Deputy Sheriffs FORCED him to get on the ground and had guns pointed at him as seen below. Additionally, Josiah Boyd was never read his rights nor did the Deputy Sheriffs ever accuse him of a felony. (See 302.3.3 RESTRAINT OF JUVENILES below)

As you review letters (f) and (g) above concerning ‘discourteous and disrespectful’ treatment and obscene, indecent and derogatory behavior nothing could be clearer as the Deputy Sheriffs and Game Warden in the clip (click here) (watch the first video clip within the article for proof) not only exhibit these atrocities but are trying to frame these missionaries as well.
Letter (m) above was clearly violated as their behavior was the opposite of good ‘morale’ and highly unfavorable to ‘this office’ (indicating the Sheriff’s office) ‘or its members.’

Furthermore as seen above under 323.4 ‘Report Preparation’ Sheriff Dan Wyatt skewed the Affidavits of Probable Cause as you can read about in the following article (click here). Horrific discrepancies and inconsistencies were within his documents. Also there was a lack of evidence provided by Sheriff Wyatt.
Within the article it also states,
The officer who subscribed and swore to these affidavits violated Montana State Law.
Provision 45-3-112 states plainly:
“When an investigation is conducted by a peace officer of an incident that appears to have or
is alleged to have involved justifiable use of force, the investigation must be conducted so as to
disclose all evidence, including testimony concerning the alleged offense and that might
support the apparent or alleged justifiable use of force.”
In conclusion, these sheriffs lied, lacked evidence, skewed evidence, disregarded Montana State Law and the Montana State Constitution and violated numerous Madison County Sheriff Policy Manual instructions.
(This is just the tip of the iceberg). Montana 1st News will keep our readers updated as the story develops.
[…] Madison County Sheriffs Violate Their Own ‘Policy Manual' Concerning Persecuted Missionaries […]