Jesse Boyd ‘Recaps’ Madison County’s Tyrannical Measures and Dedicates Today’s “Walk” To Elected Officials


Oh the irony of being back where the missionaries started off in November in Madison County. Young Josiah Boyd’s account of that time of being handcuffed, guns pointed on him, taken into CPS custody and driven to the assailants property is all revealed in the video footage below by his father, head Missionary Jesse Boyd.

Josiah has grown into manhood since that time and CAME BACK to Madison County to ‘walk’ with his fellow missionaries (in the same place he was neglected and betrayed) and this time walking over 30 miles proclaiming the Gospel for the glory of Christ.

Click here to view Boyd explaining how he has “dedicated” todays trek/journey to County Attorney David Buchler (who declared the missionaries to be “homeless vagabonds”) and to Sheriff Duncan Hedges (who drove alone with Boyd’s 18 year old daughter to have her incarcerated last November).

Carry on and proclaim the faith.

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