We all know (or at least many of us by now have heard) of the “Held vs State” lawsuit and below you can read their (the childrens’) premise.
“Montana’s unique and precious environment and natural resources, which the Youth Plaintiffs depend on for their safety and survival. Because of their unique vulnerabilities and age, Youth Plaintiffs are disproportionately harmed by the climate crisis and face lifelong hardships. Instead of using governmental authority to exacerbate the existing dangers and risks of harm to these children, Defendants must use their existing authorities to take science-based actions to reduce their risk of harm”.
The sensible group entitled Montanans for Affordable and Reliable Energy have this to say in opposition to the statement above.
“This allegation alone should raise immediate concern for anyone in this state, and across the country! It is clear that the plaintiffs, all minor children at the time of this filing, are being used as pawns in this leftist attempt at securing a legal avenue toward satisfying a climate agenda for “green” energy inciting fear and panic. It should seem odd that all of a sudden this authoritarian group is concerned with constitutional rights of children!” Some of the key words here:
“safety and survival”
“unique vulnerabilities”
“climate crisis”
“lifelong hardships”
“science-based actions to reduce their risk of harm”
On Monday, June 12th the trial “Held vs State” began and Montanans for Affordable and Reliable Energy were there and were interviewed by Tim Ravndal of Conservative News from Montana. You can view one individual below and his take on the matter (in accordance with the group’s beliefs).
Take a look at this video to see what this group believes in and stands for.
During the hearings the kids used words such as “emotional and feelings” which is all very contrary to real and accurate science.
The “Climate Change Kids” don’t seem to understand many things.
Watch any Ken Ham video and you will hear time and again about the “ebb and flow” of weather changing patterns since the beginning of time. There can be years upon years where the climate is warmer then becomes colder; this is the way of nature.
Also, one main reason Montana is experiencing so many fires in the past few years is because the ‘green’ environmentalists refuse to allow loggers to do their jobs and clean up the forest floor debris. These frustrated loggers are forbidden to log (the way they used to) because of so many regulations. (Ask any logger in Northwest MT because they hate that their hands are tied). These same ‘save the planet’ folks are fine with massive forest fires (even though they claim they leave horrific carbon footprints).
Furthermore, like the sign below reads we NEED carbon for healthy life on earth-it’s the natural cycle of plants and humans to emit oxygen and expel carbon. (photo credit Chris Ravndal)

Here’s more truth about carbon dioxide.– William Happer CO2 Coalition (Acclaimed American Physicist)

Also the life expectancy now is almost twice what it was years ago! (Climate ‘Crisis’ is an AGENDA)

These kids do NOT understand because they’ve been misinformed that NO Montana does NOT have the capacity to run our state on solar panels and wind turbines. Look at the chart below which reveals the truth.

The graphics/chart above reveals why we must have coal and fossil fuels to run our state properly and effectively. Coal is our most abundant energy source- and without it (make no mistake as the signs in the picture above state) “Montanans will die” (coal is our most reliable form of energy and in abundance).
Furthermore, wind is transient and doesn’t blow on demand. In Northwest Montana, the wind doesn’t blow much at all. ‘Climate Change Kids’ detest the strip mine in Butte and yet the ground would be covered (and cluttered with solar panels and wind turbines) which would destroy Montana’s stunning landscape.
Read the following article about coal by clicking here.
“Contrary to what many people think and understand, coal is far cleaner than it used to be. And without coal Montanan’s simply wouldn’t stay warm in the winter months. It’s our most significant baseload power energy source.“
Additionally, these children and others in this lawsuit use a multitude of fossil fuel-based products every single day from diesel gas on the farm, to cell phones, to snowboards, skis, and yes the very lubrication powered by oil that runs the mechanical lifts to get them to the top of these pristine mountains.
To read more on information concerning the lawsuit click here.
There is more than one side to this ‘climate issue’-

Coal is affordable, keeps people alive and out of poverty and fossil fuels help to run our modern world. The reality is these ‘climate kids’ would probably not like to go back in time or live in the bush of the Amazon jungle.
As a state and a nation, we need to think scientifically, logically, long-term, and economically. Long live coal and fossil fuels!
Just curious why we heard nothing from any of our elected officials, governor or otherwise, other than Matt Rosendale on the gestapo tactics used in the raid on a legitimate business operating in montana last week.
Will be real curious to see how John Tester votes on the upcoming bill passed by the house on the brace issue….