Rosendale Would be Superior Choice as MT Senator (Experience/Trustworthiness Matter)


I could probably write an entire book on why Matt Rosendale would be the superior choice for Senator in the state of Montana but for the sake of time (at least for now) I will stick to the basics.

To begin with Rosendale has the expertise and has spent time working hard for the people of Montana in Washington D.C. He cannot and will not be ‘bought and paid for’ and freedom and safety is at the helm of his thinking and reasoning. Rosendale is a key member in the House Freedom Caucus in Washington D.C. and Montana followed suit creating the Montana Freedom Caucus.

But there’s more.

He has come through for ‘We the People’ of Montana time and time again. When the corrupt Ukraine madness started up he was one of ONLY TWO U.S. Congressmen nationwide to refuse to send funding to Ukraine and instead made it a point of helping “Montanans first”? He puts Montana’s and our national security first (click here and here.)

You guessed it-Montana’s U.S. Congressman Matt Rosendale.

Who is bound and determined to balance the budget? Rosendale. Who called McCarthy out on the carpet? Rosendale. Who stands STRONG for Montanans no matter what? Rosendale.

Who came out against Rosendale? ZINKE.

Oh, wait a minute what’s going on? Here’s the scoop. A while back Zinke took potshots at Rosendale (and why would he even attempt to do so? Because Rosendale is NOT Zinke’s rival). Or is he? Will Zinke run for Senator? Click here to read Zinke’s lame attack at Rosendale.

Or will Zinke endorse Sheehy as Ginaforte recently did?

Rosendale has not (as of yet) thrown his hat in the ring (meaning hasn’t announced himself as an official candidate for the Senate spot). He is however seriously considering it. And furthermore, many of us certainly hope he will and we WILL stand by him all the way if he does).

Don’t get me wrong. Tim Sheehy may be a nice guy.

He has money (and lots of it) and is a rancher and owns a fleet of planes/he’s a fire fighting pilot and former Navy Seal.

But he has no political experience and the people endorsing him are not to be trusted.

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Governor Gianforte just recently endorsed Sheehy however, Greg Gianforte loves;/loved the Covid shot and told multitudes how “safe and effective” it is (not true as we get hoards of reports on these toxic injections killing people) and according to research Gianforte is a globalist (click and read here). Gianforte avoids phone calls and avoided helping the persecuted missionaries who traveled through Madison County like the plague. Often GG is simply missing in action. Gianforte hides. He detests conflict and often won’t even stand behind what he believes in. The year before last on “Pro-Life” day at the Capitol (Gianforte claims to be pro-life) he simply refused to come out of his office to meet up with a pro-life group who traveled far to stand up for the unborn-I know because I was there. (He just couldn’t be bothered).

While running for U.S. Congressional seat Zinke refused to debate his constituents, lied about Rosendale, lied about Dr. Olszewski and so much more. That doesn’t make for a good Senator should he choose to run or endorse Sheehy. Llew Jones who heads up the ‘Rino Party’ at the Helena Capitol has been praised by Sheehy recently as well. That speaks volumes.

Simply put? Sheehy is not in good company.

Rosendale’s “company” is ‘We the People’ of Montana. He is trustworthy, approachable, bold, and brave and does NOT hide. And speaking of NOT HIDING who jumped in immediately to assess the situation when the IRS/ATF bombarded a local Great Falls sporting goods owner/store and in a corrupt manner invaded the privacy of multitudes of U.S Citizens’ private information concerning firearm purchases? Rosendale to the rescue-AGAIN. Read here to learn more.

Rosendale is a gentleman and a scholar. He is not hot-headed. He is quick to jump into action but exerts self-control. And friends ‘We the People’ of Montana need a level head in Washington D.C. We need one with stamina, experience, knowledge, gusto, level-headedness, strength under pressure, and endurance. (Many of these attributes are biblical ‘fruits of the Spirit’ interesting isn’t it)?

We KNOW exactly why we don’t want Tester in there for the billionth time.

When or if Rosendale jumps onto the Senate race bandwagon you know what to do-shout if from the rooftops; he’s the obvious choice for Senator of Montana.

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