What you are about to read is fascinating, and mind-boggling and beyond troubling.
These snippets of information are intended to expose exactly (and ultimately) who Sheehy is, his connections to Daines, Zinke, and more.
We know that Senator Daines is “buddy buddy” with Donald Trump Jr. who comes to Montana and hunts etc. with Daines. How much does President Trump know about Tim Sheehy whom he recently endorsed? (We do know that Sheehy and Trump have met and conversed at least a couple of times however he may not in fact know much at all or care).
Let the record show I am in no way promoting Trump but rather simply asking the question what does he know or not know about this Montana “candidate” for U.S. Senate whom he just endorsed?
One thing or the other is most certain.
Either Trump has turned a blind eye toward real freedom and let Don Trump Jr. push the call for him to endorse Sheehy via Daines’ ‘chatter’ or President Trump knows plenty about Tim Sheehy (who is no more qualified to become Montana’s next U.S. Senator than the grocery clerk next door).
(Who is this man? Who is he really?)

At any rate, once you read the following clips the ‘Endorsed Sheehy’ starts to unravel right before your eyes.
Trump seems blinded by such men as Sheehy and Daines, and Zinke…Or is he? (See Below)

At all costs, these Rino GOP Republicans, Daines, Zinke, and Gianforte (along with McConnell and McCarthy) wanted Al Olszewski and especially Matt Rosendale out of the running. The latter two men are Montana’s freedom-fighting advocates and have been bound and determined upon election to keep the D.C. Swamp budget under control all while advocating for freedom in Montana in a multitude of ways.
Daines is in such lock step with the D.C. Swamp (along with Zinke and Gianforte) that they all want a ‘yes man’ to do their bidding, and what a better candidate than the youngster Tim Sheehy? But Sheehy at heart is a liberal. This made for problems so the pack of Rinos took care of the issue (and fast) by having the newcomer’s ‘website scrubbed’ (lest the general public catch on) from the following atrocities numbered below.
Below are several revealing points about this mysterious, young newcomer, the liberal Rino-Tim Sheehy. What you will learn about him and his cohorts is absolutely astounding.
(The following information was submitted by conservative Patriot-Dick Pence)
- They (Daines etc.) had already started cleaning up Sheehy’s webpage of DEI Proclamation (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) … the ESG Proclamations (Economic, Social, & Governance) his support for Climate Change, and all the language about “We need to have American troops in Ukraine” from his website.
- Tim’s company boasted that its mission is to “directly attack CO2 emissions to combat climate change.” However now Sheehy is calling it the “Climate Cult”.
- Bridger Aerospace company promoted itself to the far-left Woke
community as a “fundamentally-driven ESG business,” thus securing a $160M
ESG industrial development bond – one of the largest ESG-accredited
“sustainability” bonds ever. After becoming a candidate, Sheehy then scrubbed
all ESG references from his website. - Tim Sheehy’s company is clearly in the DEI camp. They say “We believe that diversity and inclusion is critical for the attraction and retention of top talent and we employ policies and procedures to recruit women and minorities… without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression.”
Subsequent articles will be forthcoming via Montana 1st News that will reveal more than you ever thought possible concerning young Sheehy the new “Establishment (Swamp) Candidate”.
I want Stacy Zinn to run against him but its getting so late.
Keep publishing the truth for as long as you can. We sure do not receive the truth today from most newspapers who side with the socialist democrats
thanks Richard i sure am trying! prayers appreciated!