The Libertarian Party of Montana interviewed Matt Rosendale and it was engaging as well as informative. Rosendale shared freely what the people needed to hear.
“Rep. Rosendale says he is “out of gas” and will not seek re-election after watching Republicans, while in the majority, pass a $513 billion minibus package.
We have argued for years that Establishment Republicans are just progressives driving the speed limit, and it looks like they have ousted the only liberty-adjacent Congressman from Montana.
“I ask myself why I am coming up here to spend the time to try and do this work when, even in the majority, I don’t see us not only not holding the line, but we literally increased spending an additional $16 billion. It’s difficult to justify.”
As for the death threats and allegations, Rosendale said, “What I will tell you is that, when you take on the most powerful people on earth, when you try to challenge the status quo, you are subject to retribution from the very people that are invested in that system … you make enemies with a lot of people in very powerful positions that can put any kind of information out about you that they so desire, and it’s unfortunate.”
Rosendale’s comments are a testament to how difficult it is to fight the uniparty and how a Republican majority makes no difference.
We need to stop voting by party and begin voting on principle.”
If you wish to join a new party that is built on principle and will fight to end our endless wars and reduce spending and inflation, join us at
Senator Manzella shared the following,

To view Rosendale being interviewed by the MTLP click here.