The amazing account of Josiah Boyd is unfolding before our very eyes and how God has taken a persecuted boy and is now using him as a bold man for the Kingdom of God to preach Christ and thwart murder. Below his father (Jesse Boyd) explains what pure JOY it is to see his “son preaching Christ in the open-air and atop a scaffold at a murder mill in Greenville, SC.”
To learn of the disgusting and horribly illegal conduct where Madison County, Law Enforcement held (then young) Josiah Boyd at gunpoint click the links at the bottom of this article.
His father Jesse Boyd took to social media and exclaimed the following,
“Words cannot express the JOY that came upon me as a father when footage of my son preaching Christ in the open-air and atop a scaffold at a murder mill in Greenville, SC came to me as I was seated with my Bible in front of a wood stove here in Missoula, MT.
This is the same terrified young boy who had multiple guns pointed at him in Madison County and was snatched from me in tears a couple of years ago. It’s the same boy who cried out to the Lord for help in the back of that police vehicle, captured on anonymously leaked police dashcam. He has since grown into a man not afraid to lift up his voice like a trumpet. This is worth more to me than any college degree, any paying job, or any illustrious earthly career.
And it is the sweetest form of recompense for what those dirty cops did to him, you know, the ones who said he was “slow,” and “sheltered.” My son blesses me greatly this day! I look forward to having him by my side in both Montana and India this summer. If there is no Team Yeshua for lack of young people willing to sacrifice a summer for the Lord, then he and I, along with his mother, will go.”
Click here to watch Josiah Boyd preach in open-air fashion as he attempts to sway women from entering a murder mill in Greenville, South Carolina.
Click here and here to learn about the illegal activities where young Josiah Boyd was arrested, detained, and harassed in Madison County, Mt, and see live videos of young Josiah Boyd being illegally held at gunpoint by rogue Madison County officials.
Madison County Law Enforcement held young Josiah Boyd at gunpoint (See below)

Be sure to follow Montana 1st News to hear more of Josiah Boyd’s journey and adventures as he preaches Christ and thwarts evil worldwide.