Kalispell MT: Sykes Restaurant “Sprinkler System Blew” (Details Within and They Aren’t Alone)

"We have to inform you that we will be closed through the weekend. Will let you know when we will open again." That was Sykes...

2023/2024 the Winter of the “Montana Hoar Frost”

The first question you're probably asking yourself is what exactly is "hoar frost"? "The word 'hoar' stems from old English and refers to the old...

Montana: Windchill Factors or Not it’s Going to be Bitterly Cold (and How to...

There are a lot of reports out there and a lot of predictions concerning the upcoming next few bitterly cold days. Some reports factor...

2024: The New Auschwitz-“Ordinary People Love to Follow the Rules” (It’s True)

All heads up; everyone needs to focus in. The following video seems so impossible you will most likely need to watch it at least...

A Tribute to Kirk MacKenzie-His Lifetime of Service (Including Dams and Water Rights)

The following information was submitted to Montana 1st News by Dr. Annie Bukacek from Flathead County. This is a follow up to a former...

Dr. Bukacek Presents: “Hydroelectric Power and the Unifying Non-Partisan Battle to Preserve it”

Montanans for Reliable Power-  The following two presentations will aid in understanding the impact of proposed dam breaches on our ability to keep the lights...

Northwest Montana and the Winter That Never Happened (Sort of)

Personally? I DETEST winter. After almost 50 years of living in Northwest, MT, I am elated that winter has not officially arrived. Yet. And to...

Kalispell MT: Brewing Company Offered ‘Shots and a Beer’-‘Slushies and a Jab’ (Covid Style)

On Monday October 9th, Bias Brewing Company opened its facility and invited the Flathead County Health Department Vaccine Clinic to come in and inject...

Kalispell MT: Massive Grizzly Stops Traffic/Lockdown Elementary School

This morning in a large field across from Woody's store in Kalispell a massive grizzly was spotted. There was also word that a school not...

Milk, Dairy, Cows and Carbon Neutral Farms by 2050-

Usually, our family drinks raw milk. But as we were on a trip away for a few days we picked up what appeared to...