Texas: Massive Explosion Kills 18,000 Dairy Cows and 1 Person

The worst tragedy in US History happened yesterday concerning dairy cows. A horrific explosion took place at a Texas dairy farm killing over 18,000...

Flathead County: Lower Stillwater Lake-Four People Fell Through Ice

Four people fell through thin ice at Lower Stillwater Lake in Flathead County this afternoon. North Valley Search and Rescue stated, "Very happy that...

Fromberg MT: Concerned About Flooding (Remember Last Year? Statewide Hail etc..)

Fromberg, MT is concerned about flooding this year as they remember back to last year's problems. Several parts of the state incurred horrific flooding...

ENOUGH!: Montana AG and Assistant AG-Refuse Equal Treatment- Persecuted Missionaries (‘Motion to Dismiss’ Within)

What you are about to read is perhaps the most discriminatory and skewed case by the State of Montana (meaning the Attorney General's Office)...

Assistant AG Thorin Geist “Jewish Cynic”-(“Please Pray for Him-He Needs the Messiah”)

The following article was written by persecuted missionary Jesse Boyd of North Carolina. "This is the individual who is zealously pursuing our prosecution with...

Robert Kennedy Jr. Equates “Banning and Seizing of Bitcoin as They Did with Gold...

Watch out, people. Do not fall for the new "FedNow" gimmick thinking it's somehow the new fast transaction "Savior" of the banking world. It's...

Bears Waking from Hibernation Some Sleepy and Some on the Kill-(video within)

What you are about to watch is truly nothing short of amazing. While one particular grizzly looks just plain tired the next video (as...

Support HB 517! Protect Our Students’ Individual Rights! (Call to Action within)

SUPPORT HB 517 - hearing (S) Judiciary  "Constitutional Amendment Regarding Board of Regents" The Montana Board of Regents is NOT a separate independent government. The Board of Regents must operate...

CALL TO ACTION! Senate Bill 154-Save Montana’s Babies! (details within)

Senate Bill 154 is the most important Prolife Bill this session, (now that top Republican leadership shamefully sacked the Personhood Bill).  Senate Bill 154 plainly stated, clarifies...

SB 721 Passes 3rd Reading-But What Will Governor Gianforte Do?

Oh what a glorious day in the Treasure State it was today. On this "Good Friday" we are so close we can TASTE the...