Persecuted Missionary Jesse Boyd-“Gianforte Pay Attention to the Ground-Not the Sky”

This opinion editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by Jesse Boyd, Persecuted Missionary. Boyd states Gianforte has known for some time about the...

Epoch Times Live ‘Q and A’ (2pm ET)Today! “CCP Spy Balloon Over Montana” (Link...

You need to log in (if you have an existing account with Epoch Times or join ET to view) This Q and A time will...

People’s Republic of China “Spy Balloon” Halts Billings Flights-

Something's afoot in Billings as an "intelligence-gathering balloon" was worrisome enough that it caused Billings Logan International Airport to close down for a period...

Tell Legislators! Support Taxpayer Bill of Rights! (H.B. 324)

Tell your legislator to support a Local Taxpayer Bill of Rights in Montana using this link: a taxpayer, you are the backbone of the...

STOP “Convention of States” Contact Your Senator NOW!

If you've ever even pondered the idea that a "Convention of States" was a good idea think again. Click here to watch an EYE...

Senator Regier Please-Reconsider Senate Bills 100 and 101

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by Julie Martin (RN, BSN, ACN) of Flathead County. Dear Senator Regier, "I have been a...

Madison County District Court Judge Orders “GPS Removal” (Ankle Monitors) Off Persecuted Missionaries!

Madison County District Court Judge Luke Berger ordered for the removal of all 4 persecuted missionaries' "GPS" (meaning ankle monitors) at this morning's arraignment....

PUBLIC ZOOM with Persecuted Missionaries!! Madison County District Court (tomorrow 9:40 am)

Follow the instruction concerning the public Zoom meeting tomorrow taking place at Madison County District Court! (see link below) You will NOT want to...

Montana Freedom Caucus Member HR Bob Phalen to Sponsor ‘Personhood Amendment!’

House Representative Bob Phalen is sponsoring the prolife Personhood Amendment Referendum bill this session! He is a very kind, genuine man who stands boldly for...

Mortifying and Dangerous! Madison County Sheriffs “S.W.A.T” Innocent 12-Year-Old (video testimony included)

The gig is up. In S.W.A.T.-like fashion an innocent 12-year-old boy was humiliated, scared to death, and unnecessarily forced to the ground, handcuffed, then...