"1st News Choice in the Big Sky State"

Helena Capitol: Republicans Vote Supporting Illegal Immigrants “Driving Privilege Card”

Many Montana residents are disgusted and appalled by House Bill 275 which would issue "Driving Privilege Cards" (to...

Call Legislators for a NO VOTE on Hideous House Bill 27 (Help Save Small Montana Farms!)

Many Montana residents are absolutely appalled with horrible House Bill 27. Please read carefully the following information below...

Flathead County Citizens Speak Out Exposing Pedophiles-(And Hold Local Protests)

Many residents have just about had enough are fed up to the gills. Recently on social media, the people of Flathead County have been steeped in conversations (and very serious...

Montana Border Patrol Seeking More Agents (One Can Guess Why)

To the best of our knowledge the Montana Border Patrol is hiring new agents (and apparently in Whitefish too). Click here to view the entire application process. (Several pertinent...

Boy Illegally Arrested in Madison County Now Atop Scaffolding to Thwart Murder

The amazing account of Josiah Boyd is unfolding before our very eyes and how God has taken a...

CTA! Urge 10 Republicans to Criminalize Illegal Aliens from Entering Montana! (Domestic Abuse and More)

URGENT CALL TO ACTION! Kathy Eckles Love (House Rep. of District 85 of Hamilton) wrote and sponsored House...

The Governor Who Hides & The “Nasty Nine” (In Case You Missed It)

Montana's past House Representative, Kerry White had the following to say about Governor Gianforte and his lack of...

Montana Fruit Won’t Fare Well (It’s Toast)

Montanans thought last year was a bad fruit year they haven't seen anything yet. Pictures were taken in December...

Flathead County (Removes, Arrests, Deports) Illegals-Thompson Falls, Bozeman Follows Suit

Folks it's really starting to happen in Montana. Illegal...

2/5/25- 50 States, 50 Capitols, 50 MARCHES (The Blues Are Coming…)

The liberal blue is coming and obviously they aren't...



Northwest Montana

Kalispell: Larger Influx of Homeless- Flathead Warming Center Welcomes California, Idaho Transients

In the past 36 hours Montana1stNews has received numerous...

Flathead County Citizens Speak Out Exposing Pedophiles-(And Hold Local Protests)

Many residents have just about had enough are fed...

Montana Fruit Won’t Fare Well (It’s Toast)

Montanans thought last year was a bad fruit year...

Unhoused “Guest” (Sentenced Child Sex Offender) is Flathead Warming Center’s Featured Advocate

Recently, "The Guardian" wrote an article about the Flathead...

Flathead Pro-Life 42nd Annual Rally & March For Life

Everyone is invited. Bring all your Pro-Life family and...

Could Flathead County Commissioners’ Decision Cause Fire Disaster for Bigfork Residents?

The following article was submitted to Montana 1st News...

Bigfork MT: Flathead County Commissioners Vote in New Development/Highly Possible Dangerous Outcome

The following information was submitted to Montana 1st News...

BREAKING! Kalispell MT-Flathead Warming Center-OVERDOSE IN PROGRESS

The Flathead Warming Center reopened just last week and...


Kalispell: Larger Influx of Homeless- Flathead Warming Center Welcomes California, Idaho Transients

In the past 36 hours Montana1stNews has received numerous...

Flathead County Citizens Speak Out Exposing Pedophiles-(And Hold Local Protests)

Many residents have just about had enough are fed...

Helena Capitol: Republicans Vote Supporting Illegal Immigrants “Driving Privilege Card”

Many Montana residents are disgusted and appalled by House...

Call Legislators for a NO VOTE on Hideous House Bill 27 (Help Save Small Montana Farms!)

Many Montana residents are absolutely appalled with horrible House...


North Central MT Cross Walk: From Big Sandy to Box Elder- Saturday May 18th, 9am

Walk, pray, and carry the cross of Christ. All...

“Never Open the Door to a Lesser Evil”

The following article was written by Montana's own Darin...

Alex Newman Presents: “The Weaponization of Religion”

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Alex Newman will present "The...


Helena Capitol: Republicans Vote Supporting Illegal Immigrants “Driving Privilege Card”

Many Montana residents are disgusted and appalled by House...

CTA! Urge 10 Republicans to Criminalize Illegal Aliens from Entering Montana! (Domestic Abuse and More)

URGENT CALL TO ACTION! Kathy Eckles Love (House Rep....

Montana ‘Department of Natural Resources and Conservation’ Wants Bill To ‘Meter’ Exempt Well Water

That's right folks. Yes you read that correctly. According...

Op-Ed “Vote Voting Records Not Yard Stickers” (Vote Pandina)

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted by Gina Klempel...

Latest Articles

BREAKING! Kalispell MT-Flathead Warming Center-OVERDOSE IN PROGRESS

The Flathead Warming Center reopened just last week and now (already) there is an overdose happening at this very moment. Not long ago, a drug...

Donald Trump Wins Presidential Election

Donald Trump has officially won the Presidential Election. More details to follow. P.S. Shortest article in history.

Kalispell-Flathead Warming Center: Illogical, In Denial, Dangerous, and Unrelenting

It seems that all eyes are on the Flathead Warming Center these days (located in Kalispell, Mt). Never (to my knowledge in the history...

Powell County MT: SOS Candidate John Lamb Speaks Out- “Libertarian Candidates Wrongfully Listed as Non-Partisan”

Today, on Election Day, November 5th, John Lamb, Libertarian candidate running for the Secretary of State of Montana, sent out the following Press...

Jesse Boyd for Montana Attorney General? (Yes, He Was Written In On the Ballot)

It seems not everyone in Montana is thrilled with the candidate choices for Montana Attorney General as in (Austin Knudsen-R or Ben Alke-D). In...

Montana Nurse Speaks Out: Abortion NEVER Needed to Save Mother’s Life!

Kalispell nurse Julie Martin (RN, BSN, ACN, along with her husband Steve Martin) submitted the following Opinion Editorial to numerous publications throughout Montana, only...
