Evil is being exposed and right now. (see featured picture)

Currently an Omnibus meeting is taking place RIGHT NOW inside the Virginia City Courthouse in Madison County (in a separate room not the courtroom) via Zoom between the Prosecuting Attorneys for the State of Montana (representing Brad Terrell of Madison County) and the Defense Attorneys representing the persecuted missionaries from North Carolina who traveled through Madison County and were assaulted and arrested last November.

He was not read his rights.
Assistant Attorney General Thorin Geist and David Buchler will most likely try to strike a ‘plea bargain’ trying to get the persecuted missionaries to comply but Jesse Boyd and his group of persecuted missionaries including, Bethany Boyd, Carter Phillips, and Eric Trent have made it completely clear “No pleas, No deals to the bitter end!” (See video below)
The meeting is an “Omnibus meeting” meaning several things will be discussed at once.

Motions and Dismissals have been filed in court for quite some time between the prosecuting and defense attorneys and it is believed that the Prosecuting Attorney Thorin Geist has requested the missionaries not be able to speak about God, Jesus, their work as missionaries and the Bible.
Attorney General Austin Knudsen who proclaims to be a Christian, pro 2nd Amendment and self-defense needs to be called immediately and asked to DROP all charges against the innocent persecuted missionaries. Call this number 401-444-2026
Montana 1st News will be publishing updates as the story develops.