Somers Proposed Subdivision: Citizens Want to Know County’s Thoughts on the Matter


Citizens (many in fact in Flathead County) are wondering what will transpire with a proposed housing development/subdivision in Somers that would entail 252 new ‘units’ being built if it goes through.

Flathead County Commissioner Brodehl responded with the following comments when M1N reached out to him concerning the proposed subdivision.

“Thanks for your note.  I am vaguely familiar with this as we won’t see it unless it passes through Planning and Zoning.  It’s scheduled there, I think, for 3/13, in case you’d like to provide public comment on it.  The subdivision has been in the works for many years, and will need to work through FWP, DEQ, and DNRC for their responses and any state permitting that may be required; in addition to the county reviews.  If it does come before us, we will also receive public comment.” 

At this point, numerous steps need to be completed before the County Commissioners will even (possibly) see it on their desk. (Community comments and involvement are welcome and encouraged).

You can click here for more information on the matter.

Hope that helps, rlb

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