Marquis Laude-R (is running for Senate District 5) against Matt Regier-R and spoke at the Pachyderm meeting in Kalispell at noon last Friday. Laude is president and owner of Integrated Security Systems in Kalispell.
Laude explained and went on and on about “How successful his (my) security company is”. While it may be normal for a new speaker to share facts about who they are and what sorts of things they do it raised many concerns among attendees (which is a good thing).
He was also telling everyone “how good his company is at installing and maintaining smart security including facial recognition cameras” (etc.)
(See below for details)

Many attendees were appalled at what this candidate is proposing to accomplish in Flathead County.
‘We must speak out about these things; we certainly do not want this man to win against Matt Regier, especially with what he was talking about today (last Friday). We need to elect people who stand against the Deep State and the UNSECO agenda. More people need to vote in primaries; that is the only way to keep ‘Statists’ out of the Republican party. If they get to the general it is too late.”