JUSTICE IN THE FLATHEAD: “Revoke Flathead Warming Center’s Conditional Use Permit” (Upcoming Meeting Information)

Things are getting serious folks and it's about time. It's time that community members take serious action concerning the Flathead Warming Center and do...

M1N Story Substantiated! Flathead Illegal Immigrants (Venezuela) Verified by FC Sheriff Heino and Governor!

The story Montana 1st New put out on April 27th (and was verified by eye-witnesses on April 22nd) is PROOF that illegal immigrants have...

Kalispell: Man “Poses” as Election Interviewer, Frightens Citizens

A man has been seen around town knocking on doors and asking folks "Election Interview" types of questions, however, we don't see him holding...

Publishers Update: Kalispell MT Massive Influx of Homeless Latinos Arrive-(Then Line Up At Flathead...

A Flathead County resident who works near the Flathead Warming Center shared the following with Montana 1st News today, "So on Monday, not only did...

Kalispell City Council Member Fisher Disgusted by Homeless Mess- MT Gov. Candidate Tanner Smith...

Let's face it everyone is fed up to the gills. The homeless litter is absolutely disgusting as well as them defecating wherever and whenever...

Dave Kesler Candidate for HD76 Exposes Opponent (Fitzpatrick’s)Voting Record

Dave Kesler running for HD 76 against incumbent Fitzpatrick had plenty to share about the latter's voting record. Kesler believes the public should know...

Shaun Pandina (Running for HD7) Exposes Democrat-Leaning Courtenay Sprunger (video within)

Shaun Pandina (the true conservative) who is running for HD7 exposes the truth concerning HD7 candidate (Democrat-leaning) Courtenay Sprunger. Sprunger is running under the...

Frightened Resident Shares Flathead Homeless Trauma-Solution? “Ship them to LA Problem Solved”

Although this traumatic encounter occurred last January now seems the perfect time to share this story. With all the nonsense going on around the...

“Unprincipled” SHEEHY ‘Greenie Guru’ to ‘Climate Cult’ Advocate-PODCAST WITHIN (Plus DEI/ESG) Part 1

Montana 1st News is doing a series of articles entitled, "Unprincipled" where you will learn more than you ever thought possible about Tim Sheehy,...

Kalispell ‘Art Scene’ Since the Flathead Warming Center Moved In “It’s Incredible”!

The art scene by the 'Flathead Warming Center' and the 'Gateway West Mall' is nothing short of incredible these days! Incredibly HORRIFIC that...