MONTANANS! Email PSC to “Dismiss Petition” RE: Adverse Climate Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Please take 2 minutes to send an email to the PSC this weekend.   Even if you have already sent emails recently, we ask that you send another.  (If...

Kalispell City Council Meeting RE: Kalispell Warming Center-Round 2 (Video Included)

There will be a subsequent Kalispell City Council meeting (Work Session followed by public comment) on Tuesday, May 28th following the intense 4 hour...

BREAKING: Persecuted Missionaries of Madison County Call Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to “Repent” (Video Within)

Yes you read that right. As Montana's famous "Persecuted Missionaries" were on a sidewalk in Washington D.C. who should come quickly strutting by but...

Flathead: Ed Byrne Exposes Deceptive PACs Who Endorse Phony “Conservative” Candidates

The following (very revealing and informative) information was written by Ed Byrne Candidate running for House District 11. Bryne's primary focus is the deception...

Kalispell: Pandina HD7 Candidate Speaks Out On Homeless Issue (Sprunger is MIA) See Video

Homelessness has become rampant in Kalispell lately but House District 7 has been hit the hardest by this horrific epidemic. Shaun Pandina (who is...

Kalispell City Hall Monday 7 PM Public Meeting-Topic: Kalispell Warming Center C.U.P.

On Monday night a work session will take place in regard to the Kalispell Warming Center and the subject will surround the Center's 'Conditional...

DOCUMENTS: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILTY (BBB Ratings)-Flathead Warming Center 69%-A Ray of Hope 100%

Friends, facts are facts. When you do a Google/Chrome search and type in BetterBusinessBureau (via "Charity Navigator") concerning two distinctly different charities ...

Jesse Boyd Claims Atty General Knudsen/Madison County LE “Persecuting Principal/Superintendent Sharyl Allen”

Persecuted missionary Jesse Boyd (whose team was assaulted and arrested in November of 2022) in Madison County, Montana, by Madison County Law Enforcement, claims...

JUSTICE IN THE FLATHEAD: “Revoke Flathead Warming Center’s Conditional Use Permit” (Upcoming Meeting Information)

Things are getting serious folks and it's about time. It's time that community members take serious action concerning the Flathead Warming Center and do...

M1N Story Substantiated! Flathead Illegal Immigrants (Venezuela) Verified by FC Sheriff Heino and Governor!

The story Montana 1st New put out on April 27th (and was verified by eye-witnesses on April 22nd) is PROOF that illegal immigrants have...