West Kalispell: Bald Eagles Feasting (Yeah I Was Excited)

As my best buddy and I were driving through West Kalispell (just past West Valley the other day) she paused for a moment and...

How to Create Boysenberry Pie from Huckleberries and Blueberries (Stretch the Gold)

Ok so once in a while we like to steer off of politics, crime, homelessness, and articles concentrating on how Montana is losing its...

Whitefish MT: That Time I Saved My Friend’s Life on Big Mountain (Yea, Yea,...

It was years ago, back in '76 to be exact. My high school P.E. teacher and I used to shred that hill on our...

Sunshine Thrift Store Eureka, Montana Gets Caroling Surprise

On a Saturday in Eureka, Montana anything is possible. It seems these jolly folks showed up at Sunshine Thrift Store to sing and spread...

Missoula Man (Montana Maple Works) Fascinates Billings Arborist

A businessman in Missoula has been tapping trees since 2019 and selling his wares and now others in the state are starting to take...

Kalispell MT: Hot Air Balloon-“Not a Spy”

Thursday afternoon we spotted a hot air balloon in Kalispell while headed to Woodland Park! Yes it feels almost like spring and while traveling...

Faith-Family-Freedom! Montana First Patriots (Ravalli County Fairgrounds)

Come Enjoy Some Great Family Fun! Details below-(Event takes place on Saturday October 14th from 4:00pm-8:00pm).

Hunting Season in the Flathead (But Please Protect this Rare Albino Beauty)

A striking ultra white "Albino deer" who "appeared to be partially blind because she was moving with her sister" was caught on camera recently...

Billings MT-Mexican Cuisine (Senor Salazar’s Food Truck) and Nationwide: Gypsy Rose ‘Memes Her Way’...

Of course, the following pictures aren't really of Gypsy Rose Blanchard visiting such places (as she's been photoshopped in so as to 'appear' as...

Woke Bread: ‘Sustainably Baked With Wind Energy’ (Hard Pass)

As I meandered through the bread and bagel and all things full of gluten and fattening section at the grocery store today I stumbled...