Persecuted Missionary Jesse Boyd Freed From All Charges! (Austin Knudsen’s Attempt to Bribe Him...

John Lamb submitted the following account to Montana 1st News. Lamb assisted these persecuted missionaries for nearly two years. These upright and blameless travelers...

Kalispell City Council Pulls Flathead Warming Center’s Conditional Use Permit with 6-3 Vote

After months of Kalispell City Council work meetings (where the Flathead Warming Center has been under scrutiny), the Council voted on Monday night whether...

An Account Of The Bob Marshall Wilderness: (Why It Is More Dangerous Than You’d...

Back in the early 70's, we had just moved to Whitefish because my father couldn't wait to do what he loved best, meaning to...

Montana PSC Stands Against the Passing of FERC Order 1920 “Montanans Could Freeze to...

What you are about to read below (and watch via YouTube if you choose) is extremely important. Your Montana Public Service Commissioners are working...

NW ‘United Way’ Aims to Relocate Homeless With Family/Support Network Outside of Flathead Valley

Finally some good news! Please read the press release by Northwest Montana United Way and learn how they aim to help eligible homeless individuals...

Whitefish Welcomes Gubernatorial Candidate Tanner Smith May 22nd (The Constitutional Choice)

Here is your chance to go see gubernatorial candidate Tanner Smith speak. What is the best thing about Tanner Smith? Well it might just be...

Persecuted Missionary States Atty General Knudsen Skirting MT Campaign Law Receives “Poetic Justice”

Persecuted Missionary Jesse Boyd is utterly disgusted by Attorney General Austin Knudsen's latest move; one which violates campaign ethics. The Daily Interlake recently published...

BREAKING! Kalispell Attempted Kidnapping of 16-Year-Old Male/32-Year-Old Drug Out of Bathroom

A 16-year-old young man was nearly abducted in Kalispell at 4 Corners gas station. The thief was driving a Blue and white van and...

Boy Scouts Changes Name After 114 Years-Reason: “Inclusion”

The sad day has come when the group which was once the pillar of boyhood developing into manhood has come to an end. "Boy...

Kalispell MT: Fentanyl Overdose at Flathead Warming Center/Multiple Under Influence

Fentanyl is now an everyday word in Flathead County and unfortunately, on April 17th a young woman nearly died at the Flathead Warming Center...