List of “No-Shows” and “No-Votes” For Jim Jordan
Below is a detailed list of 'who voted for who' and who didn't show at all in the world of votes for "Speaker of...
My 6th Grade Year (Living Life Among My Jewish Teachers and Classmates)
From first through fifth grade I went to a simple country school on the outskirts of Beaverton, Oregon which is located in the heart...
Hunting Season in the Flathead (But Please Protect this Rare Albino Beauty)
A striking ultra white "Albino deer" who "appeared to be partially blind because she was moving with her sister" was caught on camera recently...
Call to Action!-Join the Zoom Call-Re: Instill Grand Jury in Montana
Read below how YOU can help procure a Grand Jury for the State of Montana! Simply fill out the form (at the bottom of...
VOTE NO! On Kalispell District 5 School Levies (Includes Toxic Facial Recognition and Jail-Like...
VOTE NO! Besides procuring outrageous property taxes for up to 10 years these toxic levies do much much more. Read below to learn the...
Communist Cookies: You Get Nothing-Don’t Be Deceived
A recent picture has been floating around the internet (source unknown) and it could not depict any better the concept of communism. Do not...
Montana: Citizen’s Initiative For Grand Jury is Legally Sufficient
The following was recently submitted to Montana 1st News for publication. Will you help in your House District? It is anticipated that gathering signatures...
Suicide Rate All Time High for Americans (Highest Ever in History)
An avid bible teacher had the following information to share concerning the scripture, end times, and suicide in America today.
Proverbs 23:18:
"There is surely...
5th District Court Judge Luke Berger Unveils Double-Standard Concerning Self-Defense in Madison County
On August 28th, 5th District Court Judge Luke Berger sentenced Michael Waitt and Portia Daem to two years of probation for breaking and entering...
Beware: Bozeman to Engage in Raleigh N.C. Smart City Expo (Highly Dangerous)
Next coming May 8-10, 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina there will be a 'Spring Conference and Expo' where representatives from the following cities will...