Sidney MT: Paddlefish Season has Begun!

Yes they are big, and yes they are UGLY but in Sidney Mt and surrounding areas, the fun has just begun. And yes word...

MSSA Thoughts: Pistol Brace, Injunctions, Legal Matters, and More

Much seems to be taking place in the 'Pistol Brace' world and here are Gary Marbut's (President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association) thoughts...

Special Ravalli County Commissioners Meeting Exposes Election Problems/Issues

On Monday, June 5th you will want to be in Ravalli County and at the Fairgrounds from 7 to 10 pm. (See the flier...

“Pro-Life June”: Celebrate Life this Month and Always

The following article was written and submitted by retired Lt. Colonel Gaub founder of Restore Liberty. At all times we must celebrate life as...

Opinion Editorial Great Falls: “We (The Taxpayers) Are Paying For The Library Levy Election!”

When you read the following piece submitted by Jeni Dodd of Great Falls you will clearly understand that it is the taxpayers (and not...

College Professor Threatens to “Chop Up” Reporter with a Machete over Pro-Life Matters

An art professor at Hunter College in NYC went all out whacko by screaming and cursing at the pro-life booth where students were trying...

Dear Neighbors: Stop Putting Toxins on Your Yard-It’s So Gross!

Montanans can't wait for spring. Every year it's the same story-once the weather gets up to 48 degrees a good portion of MT residents...

Turn on Your Radio (Wednesday, May 31) and Call In! Montana’s Freedom Depends on...

Live Radio Interview..... Wednesday, May 31, from 9:05 to 9:25 am, Guest speaker, Tom DeWeese, President of American Policy Center will be on the radio...

Carbon County Has Free Pre-filled Sandbags for Emergency Use (Potential Flooding Expected)

The following information is very important and helpful for people living in the following areas within Carbon County. If you are in need of...

Australian Children “Addicted to Vaping” (Easy to Obtain Yet Illegal)

The 'vape world' is a tangled web and is tough to weave through and navigate. Some sources believe is it more addictive that cigarettes...