Terrifying Tornado Hits Guam-Island Loses Most its Power

It appears we are in the last days or certainly it seems that way. Daily we hear of worldwide catastrophes including but not limited...

Miles City: Bucking Horse Parade Part 2-Elected Official Verbally Harasses Persecuted Missionaries (footage within)

On Saturday, May 20th an Elected Official (County Attorney of Beaverhead County Jed Fitch) harassed and verbally lashed out at persecuted missionaries Jesse...

Glacier Park: Woman Falls Into Avalanche Creek Dies/Swept into Gorge

Tragedy has struck in Glacier National Park as a woman fell to her death at Avalanche Creek and was swept away into the gorge....

Montana “Expose” By Jesse Boyd/Eric Trent and “The Way” (Fireside Type Chat/Podcast Within)

"The Way" is a podcast which is stationed in Montana. These guys are straight shooters and always ready to reveal truth and honor the...

Montanans Time to Sign the Petition (Hurry It’s Important) details within

There is a slew of information listed below but make sure you hit the link and sign the petition as follows. Our freedom desperately...

Whitefish MT: Stretch of Highway Gets ‘Facelift’ and It’s About Time! (Pothole Haven)

Well, it's about time. Whenever any 'highway work' takes place in Whitefish the locals rejoice. For years Whitefish has been the brunt of 'pothole'...

West Virginia Schools Install Facial Recognition Technology to Replace Armed Guards

Crazy ideas often come about all in the name of 'safety'-and as you read the story below you will see how the installing of...

3-Year-Old Shoots Man Helps Solve Murder

No a 3 year old shouldn't have access to a gun however in this instance there truly was a silver lining. Read below and...

Miles City, MT: Full Gospel Preached By Persecuted Missionaries at Bucking Horse Parade (Part...

Saturday, May 20th was a special day in Miles City, MT. The full Gospel was preached by missionaries Jesse Boyd and Eric Trent at...

Flathead County: Nominate the ‘Best Nurse’ and Choose Liberty!

Montana 1st News is proud to endorse Nurse Julie Martin in the upcoming contest 'Best of the Flathead' by the Daily Interlake. M1N is...