Flathead County: “Take America Back, One County at a Time” (Meeting Friday, May 5)

Come learn and team up with 'Tactical Civics' in Kalispell. Check out the text below! Bring your friends and family! Open House Introduction to...

“Laverne and Shirley” TV Star (Cindy Williams) has Passed at 75

Back when sit-coms were clean (for the most part) and we could all enjoy a good laugh- those were the good times. We will...

Kalispell: Residents Claim Woodland Water Park “Falling Apart” (Contact City Council)

Many of us miss the old Bruckhauser pool in Kalispell Mt which is now buried and replaced by an ice skating rink in Woodland...

Congressional Candidate Arntzen’s Controversial (Even Among Christians) In Vitro Fertilization Stance

In Vitro Fertilization has always been a hot bed of a topic. Elsie Arntzen is promoting this practice (in a positive light) however many...

Kansas Prayer (Opening Senate Session) Sweeps the World

Once in a while, someone stands up and really makes a difference or intends to and that's exactly what happened in Kansas at the...

Flathead County: “Chemtrails Take a Vacation”

For years now (in Flathead County) I've been seeing huge trails scattered throughout the sky which never seem to dissipate. They crisscross each other...

Kalispell MT: (Op-Ed) Why We Won’t Vote ‘Yes’ For the Emergency Responder Levy

Everyone has their opinions on certain matters and thoughts concerning why they want to support certain issues/ measures over others and that is the...

CNW Exposes (Madison County) “Sheriff Duncan Hedges Colluded With Assailant” (Brad Terrell)

ChristianNewsWire (The Most Used/Recognized/Respected Religion Newswire) wrote an article today on tyranny covering President Trump, Pastor Jim Cusick of Cocoa Beach, Florida, and Pastor...

10 Wise and Unique Reasons You Should Consider Donating to Montana1stNews

Oftentimes asking for money is not enjoyable, but many times it's needed. The why behind the asking is what can genuinely make all the...

Rosendale for Montana (Weekend Tour with Guest Rep. Matt Gaetz) Be There!

If you want to hear perhaps the most dynamic politician in the state of Montana (and the U.S. Congress) speak then you will want...