
Lt. Governor Juras “There Are No Illegal Immigrants in Montana” (Gianforte Had His Chance)-Lackadaisical

Both Juras and Gianforte have their heads in the sand in so many different areas. The term lackadaisical...

Illegal Aliens (Deported) Apprehended Near Columbia Falls-Citizens Call Out Ruis/Valley Neighbors

Whistleblower 'Dissidentsoap' (on Gab) has cut loose with the following information concerning illegal aliens who have invaded Flathead...

2/5/25- 50 States, 50 Capitols, 50 MARCHES (The Blues Are Coming…)

The liberal blue is coming and obviously they aren't happy (most likely concerning the latest Presidental win, and Executive Orders that are passing through like a hurricane)... Here's the latest...

Helena Capitol: Wednesday! CTA Choose Life! Contact HJ Committee Personhood Bill HB 316

If you want to help promote LIFE then please read the information below and get involved immediately! read all the instructions and then jump in to testify before the...

Could Flathead County Commissioners’ Decision Cause Fire Disaster for Bigfork Residents?

The following article was submitted to Montana 1st News by a highly concerned Bigfork resident. Quite frankly a...

Madison County Sheriffs- Guilty Until Proven Innocent? (You Decide)

The Madison County madness continues as once persecuted missionary (Jesse Boyd who was falsely accused and arrested in...

Time For The Adults To Restore Sanity-Answer? Tactical Civics

Want to accomplish REALLY important matters? Read the following information below. Tactical Civics Regional Coordinator (Bart Crabtree)...

Call To Action! Democrats Now Control The Montana Senate

True conservative Montanans have taken to the internet to spread awareness and encourage people to take action concerning...

The Ghost of Grand Juries Past: Reclaiming a Constitutional Safeguard in Montana

The following article was written and submitted to Montana...



Northwest Montana

Montana Fruit Won’t Fare Well (It’s Toast)

Montanans thought last year was a bad fruit year...

Unhoused “Guest” (Sentenced Child Sex Offender) is Flathead Warming Center’s Featured Advocate

Recently, "The Guardian" wrote an article about the Flathead...

Flathead Pro-Life 42nd Annual Rally & March For Life

Everyone is invited. Bring all your Pro-Life family and...

Could Flathead County Commissioners’ Decision Cause Fire Disaster for Bigfork Residents?

The following article was submitted to Montana 1st News...

Bigfork MT: Flathead County Commissioners Vote in New Development/Highly Possible Dangerous Outcome

The following information was submitted to Montana 1st News...

BREAKING! Kalispell MT-Flathead Warming Center-OVERDOSE IN PROGRESS

The Flathead Warming Center reopened just last week and...

Kalispell-Flathead Warming Center: Illogical, In Denial, Dangerous, and Unrelenting

It seems that all eyes are on the Flathead...

General News

Flathead County (Removes, Arrests, Deports) Illegals-Thompson Falls, Bozeman Follows Suit

Folks it's really starting to happen in Montana. Illegal...

2/5/25- 50 States, 50 Capitols, 50 MARCHES (The Blues Are Coming…)

The liberal blue is coming and obviously they aren't...

Helena Capitol: Wednesday! CTA Choose Life! Contact HJ Committee Personhood Bill HB 316

If you want to help promote LIFE then please...


2/5/25- 50 States, 50 Capitols, 50 MARCHES (The Blues Are Coming…)

The liberal blue is coming and obviously they aren't...

Helena Capitol: Wednesday! CTA Choose Life! Contact HJ Committee Personhood Bill HB 316

If you want to help promote LIFE then please...

Illegal Aliens (Deported) Apprehended Near Columbia Falls-Citizens Call Out Ruis/Valley Neighbors

Whistleblower 'Dissidentsoap' (on Gab) has cut loose with the...

House District Rep Nelly Nicol Introduces Bill Concerning Illegal Immigrants

Nelly Nicol House District 53 has introduced the most...

Flathead Pro-Life 42nd Annual Rally & March For Life

Everyone is invited. Bring all your Pro-Life family and...


North Central MT Cross Walk: From Big Sandy to Box Elder- Saturday May 18th, 9am

Walk, pray, and carry the cross of Christ. All...

“Never Open the Door to a Lesser Evil”

The following article was written by Montana's own Darin...

Alex Newman Presents: “The Weaponization of Religion”

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Alex Newman will present "The...


Montana ‘Department of Natural Resources and Conservation’ Wants Bill To ‘Meter’ Exempt Well Water

That's right folks. Yes you read that correctly. According...

Op-Ed “Vote Voting Records Not Yard Stickers” (Vote Pandina)

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted by Gina Klempel...

‘Montanans For Limited Government’ Endorse Candidates (Guess Who Didn’t Make the List)

Endorsements via 'Montanans For Limited Government' are a highly...

Dave Kesler Candidate for HD76 Exposes Opponent (Fitzpatrick’s)Voting Record

Dave Kesler running for HD 76 against incumbent Fitzpatrick...

Latest Articles

Hamilton Annual “Apple Days” and Flathead Apple Update and Learning Curve

On Saturday, October 7th, Hamilton, MT rocked its 44th Apple "Bake Sale" sporting pies, cider, caramel apples, and more. You can read the rest...

Zinke and Daines and Tester on Feinstein-(But It’s Rosendale Who is Wise)

In a recent article on the passing of Diane Feinstein two Montana Republicans (and one Democrat) commented on the U.S. Senator; and yet another...

First Time in U.S. History House Speaker Voted Out! (McCarthy-He Gone)

In a historic first move EVER a House Speaker "Kevin McCarthy" was voted out 216 to 210 and will no longer reside as House...

Hunting Season in the Flathead (But Please Protect this Rare Albino Beauty)

A striking ultra white "Albino deer" who "appeared to be partially blind because she was moving with her sister" was caught on camera recently...

Faith-Family-Freedom! Montana First Patriots (Ravalli County Fairgrounds)

Come Enjoy Some Great Family Fun! Details below-(Event takes place on Saturday October 14th from 4:00pm-8:00pm).

Kalispell: PSC Presentation-“How and Why We Do What We Do”

Public Service Commissioner (Vice President) Jennifer Fielder and Dr. Annie Bukacek PSC Commissioner will be presenting a talk entitled, "How & Why We Do...
