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House Rep 7 Courtenay Sprunger Under Scrutiny: Mailers Abound in Complaint

House Representative (District 7) Courtenay Sprunger is making waves...

Could Flathead County Commissioners’ Decision Cause Fire Disaster for Bigfork Residents?

The following article was submitted to Montana 1st News...

Madison County Sheriffs- Guilty Until Proven Innocent? (You Decide)

The Madison County madness continues as once persecuted missionary...

Time For The Adults To Restore Sanity-Answer? Tactical Civics

Want to accomplish REALLY important matters? Read the following...

Call To Action! Democrats Now Control The Montana Senate

True conservative Montanans have taken to the internet to...

The Ghost of Grand Juries Past: Reclaiming a Constitutional Safeguard in Montana

The following article was written and submitted to Montana...

Great Falls MT: The Miraculous Movement of Birds (video within)

As of late, there has been spectacular movement overhead by birds in the Great Falls area. You will be in awe and mesmerized as...

Montanans and Issues with Bears: “Don’t Call the Police, Call FWP”

As the bears are upon us in a radical way this fall of 2022 in the State of Montana (and I mean right ON...

Alarming! Activists Throw Tomato Soup on Van Gogh Painting in London

"Environmental activists have thrown tomato soup over Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting Sunflowers at London’s National Gallery, causing minor damage to the frame. The Just...

Young Republicans Support the Censure of Alden Tonkay

President of Young Republicans Lewis and Clark County, Jake Corcoran submitted the following information and document to Montana1stNews. "Our organization stands with the Lewis and...

BREAKING: Dr. Al Olszewski Files Ethics Complaint Against Justice Ingrid Gustafson (Who Broke the Law) video included

Dr. Al Olszewski is on his game and claims (and rightly so) that NO ONE is above the law. Watch the video clip below...

Op-Ed: “Repke Doesn’t Seem Well Qualified for Public Service Commissioner” (Plus Ulterior Motives)

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana1stNews by Amber Golliday of Kalispell, MT. "I don’t understand why so many Letters to the Editor seem...