Milk, Dairy, Cows and Carbon Neutral Farms by 2050-

Usually, our family drinks raw milk. But as we were on a trip away for a few days we picked up what appeared to...

Darin Gaub: Fox News-“Biden Visit to Israel” Fanning Flames?

Be sure to catch Retired Lt. Colonel Darin Gaub as he is interviewed by Kevin Corke on Fox News tomorrow. (More details below)

ENOUGH! Assailant Brad Terrell (Madison County) Spews “Demonic Rage” at New Victim (video within)

Brad Terrell (who beat missionary Jesse Boyd last year (on November 12th in Madison, County then played the 'victim' with the Deputy Sheriffs and...

Canadian Mom Shops in Montana: “Even With the Exchange Rate the U.S. is Way...

One Canadian mom has come up with a way to save several hundred dollars per month. She accomplishes this by leaving Canada, crossing the...

Persecuted Youth (Via Swearing, Conniving, Madison County Officials) Preaches Gospel Back East (video within)

Almost one year ago 13-year-old Josiah Boyd was insulted, traumatized, and persecuted by Madison County officials. He was forced to kneel at gunpoint, left...

My 6th Grade Year (Living Life Among My Jewish Teachers and Classmates)

From first through fifth grade I went to a simple country school on the outskirts of Beaverton, Oregon which is located in the heart...

Epoch Times’ Interviews MT’s Darin Gaub Concerning War in Israel and Thoughts on U.S....

"Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Darin Gaub and former U.S. State Department official Gabriel Noronha are offering their assessments of the recent attacks on...

Announcing: “Southwest Ohio Freedom Festival” Dr. Alan Keyes and More!

Friends, if you are anywhere near Southwest Ohio you do not want to miss this coming event on Saturday, October 14th and Sunday, October...

Governor Newsome Bans Skittles/Candy But It’s Upside Down (and Socialist)

The world has gone mad and turned totally upside down. Governor Newsome has banned candy with random, and questionable ingredients but his priorities are...

Hamilton Annual “Apple Days” and Flathead Apple Update and Learning Curve

On Saturday, October 7th, Hamilton, MT rocked its 44th Apple "Bake Sale" sporting pies, cider, caramel apples, and more. You can read the rest...