Kalispell City Council Pulls Flathead Warming Center’s Conditional Use Permit with 6-3 Vote
After months of Kalispell City Council work meetings (where the Flathead Warming Center has been under scrutiny), the Council voted on Monday night whether...
Jordan Hall Convicted Felon (Former Pastor/Montana Daily Gazette Publisher/Owner)
On Wednesday afternoon in Richland County District Court in Sidney, Montana, former pastor and publisher/owner of Montana Daily Gazette (Jordan Hall present via Zoom)...
Kalispell ‘Strange and Scary Woman’ Back on the Streets (Failing Justice System)
Well, folks she's at it again, and just a couple of days ago in fact. She was literally "back on the streets" until this...
Huge Victory! Tronstad Meadows Shot Down in City Council Ruling
For the past few weeks, there has been a lot of 'heat' concerning the proposal of a new subdivision where e 380 new homes...
Lincoln County Neighbors Work Together to Push Back, Find Solutions, and Stand Strong
The following information concerning residents of Lincoln County and how they aim to work together to solve problems (the type of problems that affect...
An Account Of The Bob Marshall Wilderness: (Why It Is More Dangerous Than You’d...
Back in the early 70's, we had just moved to Whitefish because my father couldn't wait to do what he loved best, meaning to...
Opinion Editorial: What’s with those Huckleberries? (You’re Brilliant, Mr. Boysen)
Huckleberries are an odd commodity. They are so very sought after and becoming so very expensive. And yes, they can be a pain to...
Confessions of a ‘Many Glacier Hotel Maid’ (The Year Was 1982)
In 1982 I landed a summer job at Many Glacier Hotel in Glacier National Park, high up on the park's eastern side. I was...
UPDATE: Strange and Scary Woman Invades Yard Snatches Up Baby-Parents Enraged (Father Shares Details)
Recently in Kalispell a bizarre event took place. It seems a woman high on drugs just happened to wander into a yard filled with...
Montana PSC Stands Against the Passing of FERC Order 1920 “Montanans Could Freeze to...
What you are about to read below (and watch via YouTube if you choose) is extremely important. Your Montana Public Service Commissioners are working...