“My Daughter’s Christmas Flight Got Cancelled” (the Trauma, the Horror, the Blessing)

Yes its that time of year. But this year the entire country is in the middle of a horrific 'cold snap.' My daughter, her...

Missoula Man (Montana Maple Works) Fascinates Billings Arborist

A businessman in Missoula has been tapping trees since 2019 and selling his wares and now others in the state are starting to take...

Sunshine Thrift Store Eureka, Montana Gets Caroling Surprise

On a Saturday in Eureka, Montana anything is possible. It seems these jolly folks showed up at Sunshine Thrift Store to sing and spread...

West Kalispell: Bald Eagles Feasting (Yeah I Was Excited)

As my best buddy and I were driving through West Kalispell (just past West Valley the other day) she paused for a moment and...

Confessions of a “Many Glacier Hotel Maid” 1982

In 1982 I landed a summer job at Many Glacier Hotel in Glacier National Park, high up on the park's eastern side. I was...

Whitefish MT 1972: “Home Town Hick Town”-Just Local Folks (No Tourists)

Oh, it was a glorious time to be alive. As a 12-year-old who lived in Whitefish, Montana, in 72, it was the best place...

National Dill Pickle Day: (Just a Distraction From All the Stuff We Don’t Want...

Today is National Dill Pickle Day. Another day to celebrate random stuff and forget about crime, poverty, war, and stolen elections. Did everybody hear...

“I Have Front Row Seats to the Political Theater” (A Play in Three Acts)

I Have Front Row Seats to the Political Theater As intermission arrives the curtain closes, the audience rises in applause. People move to the break...

Part 1: Miss Kathy, Miss Beth (and Ewe-Gene the Sheep) Declare HAND-COUNT MY VOTE!...

Did you know that you can ask to have your vote Hand-Counted? Stay tuned as Miss Kathy, Miss Beth, and Ewe-gene the Sheep share...

Super 1 Kalispell Marks Down Most Annoying Product EVER-

There's always something crazy happening out there isn't there? A trusty 'scout' meaning friend of Montana1stNews and faithful follower sent us this picture today...