Great Falls MT: The Miraculous Movement of Birds (video within)

As of late, there has been spectacular movement overhead by birds in the Great Falls area. You will be in awe and mesmerized as...

NW MT Bipolar Weather: Will My Pear Tree Survive the Next Cold Snap? (The...

It's been one crazy winter/spring/winter/spring/winter here in Northwest Montana. (Well anyway you get the idea.) We were concerned our pear tree wouldn't produce fruit...

Flathead County: “Chemtrails Take a Vacation”

For years now (in Flathead County) I've been seeing huge trails scattered throughout the sky which never seem to dissipate. They crisscross each other...

Billings MT: Bat Walk Helps Public to Abandon Fears

BILLINGS, Mont. - Fall is in full swing now, which might make some think of spooky things. But a Bat Walk aims to teach...

Do I Have Frostbite? (video within)

Montana is BRUTAL right now. Anyone spending any time outside needs to be incredibly careful not to overdo it and to be extra cautious...

Bozeman MT: Temperature Vacillates by 115 Degrees Fahrenheit in One Day

Christmas Day was a doozy in Bozeman, Montana. The Stormtracker Weather Channel (via FB) showed an "Apparent Temp Difference" of +115 Degrees! Montana has...

Lakeside Volunteer Park “Vandalism Ruins Sprinkler System”

In a recent article, we stated that the brown, dried grass at Volunteer Park in Lakeside was due to a lack of county watering,...

Honoring Montana’s Farmers (Even Though We Ooops-Missed “National Farmers Day”)

Although "National Farmer's Day" took place on October 12, Montana1stNews didn't want our farmers to think we had forgotten them! Farming is such an important...