UPDATE: (Helena) Law Enforcement “Utilizes Deadly Force”-Shooter Succumbs to Injuries
The following was a release put forth by Helena Law Enforcement concerning the shooter in downtown Helena earlier today.
"At approximately 1330 hours, HPD...
Montana Border Patrol Seeking More Agents (One Can Guess Why)
To the best of our knowledge the Montana Border Patrol is hiring new agents (and apparently in Whitefish too).
Click here to view the...
Senate Bill 370 VOTE NO Do Not Concur! Final Reading Tomorrow (Call to Action)
To demonstrate how you are making a difference, watch how Ravalli CO Rep. Ron Marshall (1338:26 to 1339:10 in the following sliq.net link) used VOTE NO sheets...
An Analysis: (Update) Is Governor Gianforte Really Pro-Life?
The following article was originally published in 2022. Since then, thought provoking information has been added. Is the Governor of Montana really pro-life when...
“Pro-Life” Gov. Gianforte Supports Medicaid Expansion Bill (Which Pays for Abortion and Gender Surgeries)
Friends do not be deceived Medicaid Expansion is a whole other game compared to regular Medicaid. Medicaid Expansion is evil as it funds abortions...
HEADLINE NEWS! Senator Declares-“Active Shooter at Court House in Downtown Helena-Avoid the Area!” (Situation...
Just a few minutes ago Senator Theresa Manzella took to social media to warn the public concerning an active shooter stating the above,
An Account Of The Bob Marshall Wilderness: (Why It Is More Dangerous Than You’d...
Back in the early 70's, we had just moved to Whitefish because my father couldn't wait to do what he loved best, meaning to...
Persecuted Missionaries Complete Coast-to-Coast Journey! (8118 Miles From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean-See...
No pleas. No deals. Till the VERY END.
Well the persecuted missionaries (who were assaulted two years ago this November in Madison County Montana)...
The Governor Who Hides & The “Nasty Nine” (In Case You Missed It)
Montana's past House Representative, Kerry White had the following to say about Governor Gianforte and his lack of involvement concerning the "Nasty Nine" who...
Boy Illegally Arrested in Madison County Now Atop Scaffolding to Thwart Murder
The amazing account of Josiah Boyd is unfolding before our very eyes and how God has taken a persecuted boy and is now using...