Frostbite: Take Great Precautions Especially Concerning Children and Teens

If you have teenagers, show them this article and read it with them. This can happen to any person in any area which is...

Register to Testify FOR HB 234! (Revise Laws Regarding Obscene Material to Minors)

Click below to learn about the content of House Bill 234. Register to testify on this bill (the information is below) and you can...

BREAKING: Bozeman MT-Bridger Heights Apartments Assault-Citizen Speaks Out

Many residents of Bozeman Mt have had enough. They are tired of the crime and are now revealing truth as they want the public...

CALL TO ACTION! To Help Missionaries (Also Assailant, Attacker Named!)

The following information is now on public record. We've made it easy for you to contact authorities with your concerns. Please share this far...

Provide Funding For School Police Instead of Ukraine and Foreign Nations

Paul Johns, Sports Reporter, for the 'The Anaconda Leader' wrote a thought-provoking article and submitted it to Montana 1st News to be published....

Racicot, the “Republican,” Endorses Ingrid Gustafson (and Promotes Monica Tranel)

Although those running for Montana Supreme Court Justice are 'non-partisan,' in Justice Ingrid Gustafson's case it doesn't take much to figure out the temperature...

Glacier Park: Mama Moose Chases Grizzly after it Consumes Her Calf (video within)

You can witness incredible footage as a mother moose flies full speed chasing down a grizzly who had just eaten her offspring; just click...

CALL to ACTION! “Right to Privacy” Does NOT Include Abortion!

Hurry and DO NOT DELAY! We must overcome this horrific falsifying of the "Right to Privacy" which the left are trying to manipulate via...

Rhino Poaching At An All Time High

"The number of endangered rhinos poached in Namibia last year was the highest on record and almost twice as many as the year before,...

Super “Blue Moon” Over Soldotna, Alaska

Last night was the Super Blue Moon and an avid reader of Montana 1st News from Soldotna, Alaska, submitted the following pictures. It was...