Spend Your Cash-Don’t Fund the Bank!

"Please understand what NOT using cash is doing. Cash is important. Why should we pay cash everywhere we can with banknotes instead of a...

Terrifying Tornado Hits Guam-Island Loses Most its Power

It appears we are in the last days or certainly it seems that way. Daily we hear of worldwide catastrophes including but not limited...

Western Montanans: Your Water and Well Rights are in Dire Trouble (Do Something-Speak Up)

The following Op-Ed was written by Mark Agather of Kalispell. Agather is serious about getting involved because yes the Water Compact absolutely affects your...

Raise Kids Right-Raise ‘Em as ‘Little Patriots’ (Free Curriculum Within)

Little Patriots is a FREE program based out of Washington D.C. with free materials to assure that your youngsters grow up with a Patriot...

Mortifying and Dangerous! Madison County Sheriffs “S.W.A.T” Innocent 12-Year-Old (video testimony included)

The gig is up. In S.W.A.T.-like fashion an innocent 12-year-old boy was humiliated, scared to death, and unnecessarily forced to the ground, handcuffed, then...

“Take Our Border Back” (Peaceful Assembly and Prayer)

There is a peaceful assembly taking place down South at the following locations. (More details to follow but here is a head's up-See schedule...

Helena MT: Missoula HR Zooey Zephyr Barred from House Floor for the Rest of...

According to a 'tweet,' today from 'Montana Talks' radio host Aaron Flint, Rep. Zooey Zephyr will not be allowed to speak in person on...

West Virginia Schools Install Facial Recognition Technology to Replace Armed Guards

Crazy ideas often come about all in the name of 'safety'-and as you read the story below you will see how the installing of...

Breaking! Antifa to “Burn it all Down!” (Seattle/Portland and More) Live NOW-footage

Antifa sent out a list of items for their groups to bring to cities. This is the result of the Memphis police killing of...

Op-Ed: Held vs State Lawsuit “Sick Joke and Should Be Mocked”

Retired Lt. Colonel Darin Gaub is perturbed (as are a large multitude of Montanans) concerning the Held vs State lawsuit. Gaub claims that this...