“Cashless Society” Goodbye Lemonade Stands, Garage Sales, and Tipping the Musician-

A day could be coming (and very soon) which could prove horribly sobering. It's just downright difficult to fathom a world where you can't...

Darin Gaub: Fox News-“Biden Visit to Israel” Fanning Flames?

Be sure to catch Retired Lt. Colonel Darin Gaub as he is interviewed by Kevin Corke on Fox News tomorrow. (More details below)

ENOUGH! Assailant Brad Terrell (Madison County) Spews “Demonic Rage” at New Victim (video within)

Brad Terrell (who beat missionary Jesse Boyd last year (on November 12th in Madison, County then played the 'victim' with the Deputy Sheriffs and...

List of “No-Shows” and “No-Votes” For Jim Jordan

Below is a detailed list of 'who voted for who' and who didn't show at all in the world of votes for "Speaker of...

Persecuted Youth (Via Swearing, Conniving, Madison County Officials) Preaches Gospel Back East (video within)

Almost one year ago 13-year-old Josiah Boyd was insulted, traumatized, and persecuted by Madison County officials. He was forced to kneel at gunpoint, left...

Announcing: “Southwest Ohio Freedom Festival” Dr. Alan Keyes and More!

Friends, if you are anywhere near Southwest Ohio you do not want to miss this coming event on Saturday, October 14th and Sunday, October...

Zinke and Daines and Tester on Feinstein-(But It’s Rosendale Who is Wise)

In a recent article on the passing of Diane Feinstein two Montana Republicans (and one Democrat) commented on the U.S. Senator; and yet another...

Alex Newman Presents: “The Weaponization of Religion”

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Alex Newman will present "The Weaponization of Religion" - you do NOT want to miss this. The event will take...

Suicide Rate All Time High for Americans (Highest Ever in History)

An avid bible teacher had the following information to share concerning the scripture, end times, and suicide in America today. Proverbs 23:18: "There is surely...

Young Woman (Growls) and Kills Mountain Lion-Gives God the Glory (Full Account Video Included)

The story you are about to read and the video you are about to watch is nothing short of miraculous. A young Christian woman...