Persecuted Bethany and Josiah Boyd Speak Out! “Treated Better in Foreign Countries Than Montana”...

The Boyd kids are speaking out and they are not ashamed. Bethany Boyd 18 and her younger brother Josiah 12 share how mission work...

Homeless Man Claimed Billings MT Offered to Pay His Way to Sanctuary City (He...

The comments are quite interesting concerning this particular situation. One person remarked, "Montana is smart." Yes, we are or at least Billings, Mt was...

Jury Trial Date Set: November 12th (One Year Anniversary of Persecuted Missionaries’ Assault and...

The zoom meeting where the prosecuting attorneys (for Brad Terrell) met with the defendant attorneys (for persecuted missionaries) settled some things. As there was...

Breaking: Billboard “Assaulted, Arrested” in Front of Virginia City Courthouse While Zoom Meeting Transpires...

Evil is being exposed and right now. (see featured picture) Currently an Omnibus meeting is taking place RIGHT NOW inside the Virginia City...

The ‘Left’ Trash Superintendent Arntzen: (It’s Witty But the Premise is Poor) video within

A trio of 'left-leaning liberals' trashed Elsie Arntzen with a sarcastic and satirical video attempting to paint the Superintendent of Public Instruction as a...

BREAKING! Madison County Sheriffs Violate Their Own ‘Policy Manual’ Concerning Persecuted Missionaries

It's hard to deny the truth especially when it is smack dab in your face. Below are portions of the 'Madison County Sheriff's Office...

Scotland’s New ‘Central Bank Currency’ (“It’s Absurd to Sell out Your Sovereignty for Independence”)

Temora Yuille lives in Scotland and is here to expose Scotland's new Central Bank Currency (CBDC). The Gaelic term for Scotland is "The Alba."...

Decapitated Rattlesnake Bites its Own Body! (video footage within)

The animal kingdom is amazing. Comprised of God-given instincts the possibilities are endless even if it means biting and attacking yourself when your head is...

Helena MT: Senate Bill 370 Most Deceptive and Frightening Bill This Session (CTA!)

Take a good look at this featured picture. Because this is exactly what life will be like if bills like SB370 pass nationwide (and...

Syphilis Cases Highest in Montana Since 1948

HELENA, Mont. - Syphilis cases are on the rise in Montana, according to the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. According to DPHHS findings, the...